The Accidents

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Emily was still mad with Alison but she still slept with her last night. Alison was watching her sleep and was smiling. She knew she had to cut off all contact with everyone except her family and the girls. She couldn't lose Emily. That wasn't the only secret.. The person that raped Alison was... Noel. She didn't want to do anything with him and he forced himself upon her. She knew she had to tell Emily..

Emily finally woke and smiled at Alison and went to kiss her but Alison pulled back.

"I can't lie to you anymore em. We're married for god sake, I can't keep anything from you. I'm just scared you're going to leave me if I tell you"

Emily took Alison's hand and kissed her sweetly like the first time they kissed in the library. And Alison smiled the exact same way she did that time in the library.

"You can tell me anything Ali, it won't change the way I love you"

Alison trusted Emily's words and found it so hard to even begin to tell her what happened.

"I never told you this because it didn't matter but we're married and you have a right to know everything. The person that raped me was Noel. He doesn't know that I was pregnant so when I went to meet him the other day he forced himself on me again and I kissed him so he wouldn't do it again. That's why he sent me those texts. I'm sorry"

Emily was lost for words and Alison began to cry.

"Look Ali it's not your fault okay? Thanks for telling me. Stay here with Emmy."

"Em where are you going?"

"Just out I'll be back soon"

Emily kissed Alison and then kissed her forehead and gave her a promising smile.

Emily had taken her backpack with her which was stashed with alcohol, she drank too much and went to Noel's house..

"Noel I swear to god. Open this door now!"

Noel opened and had a massive smirk on his face.

Emily punched Noel in the face and got on top of him and punched him until his nose began to bleed.

"I swear to god if you come near Ali or our baby I swear I will kill you"

Noel smirked;

"Doubt that very much"

"Don't underestimate me Noel. I will kill you. She's mine not yours."

"Not for long"

Emily punched Noel again too many times, Noel was unconscious.

"You deserved that. Next time I'll kill you. So I'll tell you again. Stay away from my wife and child. Do you hear me"

Noel nodded and Emily left. Her hands were covered in blood. She had to wash them before Alison sore it. But it was too late she was stood outside his house with Emmy, she looked so scared that her wife would do something like that.

"Ali did you see everything?"

"Nothing just you coming out. I knew you'd be here so I thought id take Emmy out and see if you were here. Em what's happened to your hand"

"I know you want Noel so go ask him yourself baby. I know you want him more than me"

"Emily you're drunk! Stay away from Emmy!"

"So you're stopping me from seeing my own daughter? Thank you so much. I love you too"

Emily stumbled across the road and got hit by a car..
Alison shouted Emily and ran over with Emmy in her hands. She called 911 and the ambulance was there within minutes, she phoned the girls and told them to get to the hospital ASAP. Alison and Emmy were in the back of the ambulance and Alison held Emily's hand the whole drive to the hospital. She kept whispering in Emily's ear saying that she loved her and couldn't do this without her and that she needed to pull through.

Alison wasn't allowed to see Emily so she had to wait in the waiting room. Emily's mum turned up and offered to take care of Emmy whilst Alison was at the hospital;

"Alison if she wakes please call us and please make sure she knows that me and her father love her so much"

"I will I promise. Thank you for taking Emmy"

Pam left with Emmy so that was one less thing for Alison to worry about. The girls came rushing in and hugged Alison so tightly. They sat Alison down and there was pure silence. Alison kept closing her eyes like she had taken her last breath.

"Alison please stay with us! Alison!" Aria shouted

Hanna shook her, Spencer tried opening her eyes but Alison was unconscious. The nurses and doctors came running over and picked her up and took her into a room. They didn't know what was wrong with her but she was alive and well. Hours later she woke to see the girls with her.

"Where's Emily? I need her!"

"We're afraid to say she hasn't woken yet"

Alison bursted out into tears and started having a panic attack. The doctors came rushing back in and calmed her down. It was confirmed Alison was unwell and needed to keep coming in regularly for check ups. The girls came back in and tried to reassure her that it was going to be alright. They kept talking about the memories they've had with Emily, the best times and the sleepovers. It made Alison smile but she just kept thinking she wouldn't be here in the morning. The nurses said that Alison really does need some rest and asked if the girls didn't mind waiting in the waiting room or to leave as Alison was in serious need of rest.

"Aria Hanna, Spence. If she wakes please tell her I love her and I'm sorry and I'll never let her go!"

"We will" the girls said in unison.

Alison led in bed and looked at her phone and seen her lock screen.. A picture of her and Emily kissing. And a picture of Alison kissing Emily's cheek and Emily smiling. She closed her eyes and got plenty of rest. The doctors woke her many hours later and told her that there was somebody who wanted to see her.

It was Emily.

Alison was in and out of her sleep so she wasn't paying any attention.

The nurses told her that for a while Alison will be like this, she was weak and needed a lot of rest and sleep. Emily took Alison's hand and laid her head on Alison's chest.

"Alison. If you can hear me. I didn't mean anything I said earlier when I was drunk. I just need you to know that I love you and I'm so sorry about earlier. You know how much I care about you and don't want anything bad to happen to you, I'll always care about you and you need to know that I'll fight for you until the day I die. Remember our vows? I vowed to be here for you through sickness and health. I vowed to love you always and I will. You vowed to never give up and to fight for me and to never let me go. And you've got me forever okay. No matter what you've done or what you do, you're mine Alison. I wouldn't change a single thing between us. It's made us so much stronger and I need you to pull through. Don't be worrying about me I'll be okay. I hurt my ribs that's all. I love you so much Ali."

Emily got up to hover over Alison, she kissed her lips and then moved onto her forehead, the tears from Emily's eyes hit Alison's face and she touched it and stroked her face and whispered in her ear 'I love you' and she went back to her room.

Alison woke minutes later and looked in her hand. It was note from somebody. She opened it and it was a note from Emily. It was vows and on the top it said 'My dear Alison. My vows to you from now on" it was a list of vows that Emily would do for Alison if she pulled through.

Alison cried and looked in the corner to see a black figure...

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