The Wedding- part 2

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It was party time and it was time for the first dance. 'Iron&Wine-Flightless Bird,American Mouth' began to plan and Alison looked straight at Emily "May I have this dance with my wife?". "Of course you can Ali". They began to slow dance to the song and Alison rested her head on Emily. They looked into eachothers eyes and kissed and danced until the song had finished. Alison pulled away and said "Wait there, I have a surprise for you".

The song 'Ronan Keating-If Tomorrow Never Comes' began to play, and up on stage was Alison.

She began to sing.

"Sometimes late at night
I lie awake and watch her sleeping
She's lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And the thought crosses my mind
If I never wake up in the morning
Would she ever doubt the way I feel
About her in my heart

If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
And she must face this world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes

'Cause I've lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much she means to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where there's no second chance to tell her how I feel

If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
And she must face this world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes

So tell that someone that you love
Just what you're thinking of
If tomorrow never comes"

As the song finished, Alison hugged Emily so tightly and kissed her so sweetly.

Emily POV

I was in tears, I thought that song was basically Alison telling me that she was going to leave again but she needed me to know that she loves me. But the more I thought of it, the more I knew I was wrong but I had to ask Alison.

"Ali? Was that song basically saying that you were going to leave again but you needed me to know that no matter where you go you'll always love me?"

"NO! It was just saying that if tomorrow never comes at least I had the day with you, it means taking each day as it comes and loving everyday, and to make the most of every moment. I promise! I'm never ever going to leave you, I love you so so much Em"

I was relieved and just couldn't believe she could sing. This day was just so perfect and so beautiful.

Alison had one last surprise for Emily but it was waiting at home. Emily was talking to all the guests and then spoke to Aria and Spence,  her favourite song came on and she started dancing with them. Alison couldn't help but watch her dancing and the constant smile on her face and knowing how happy she would be for the rest of her life. Champagne had been opened and it was near the end of the night.

There was one last song to be played and that was 'Justin Timberlake-Not A Bad Thing' Emily and Alison sang it to eachother at the top of their voices but meaning every word that was said. The guests were clapping and cheering and singing along too. Ezra, Toby and Caleb arrived for their dates. Ezra and Aria started to slow dance, Toby and Spencer danced and Caleb and Hanna was on the food and dancing at the same time. Everybody was having the time of their loves with the one person they loved.

The day had come to an end, the newlyweds waved everybody goodbye and thanked everyone. It was family and friends left, Alison took Aria,Hanna and Spencer into the other room to explain the other surprise, which was she was going to bring her to the school pool and light candles and put lights everywhere and she needed their help to set it up and then she would take Emily back to her house and order a takeaway and have lights and candles and have the most perfect end to the perfect day. Then the next day Alison was going to take Emily away on a romantic honeymoon. The girls agreed to set everything up so they said goodbye to Emily and finished off saying congratulations and they hope to see them soon. Ezra, Toby and Caleb went with the girls.

Emily's and Alison's parents were heading off and said they were so proud of both of them, they congratulated and told them they loved the girls and went home. It was just Emily and Alison left, they turned the lights off and headed off. Aria texted Ali saying 'All done and ready. Enjoy. See u soon love the girls'. Alison took Emily's hand and told her they were going to the school;

"Ali why are we going to the school? We left there remember?"

Alison ignored Emily and continued to smile until they got there, Alison put her hands over Emily's eyes and walked her over to the pool and told her to open her eyes;

"Ali this is beautiful. Oh my god. The girls did it didn't they! This is so beautiful!"

Emily and Alison dangled their feet in the water, still in their dresses. They just sat there for ages looking at how beautiful the view was.

Alison rang her father to come and pick her and Emily up and take them home, ready for the next surprise. Emily arrived and she went upstairs and saw everything done, there was candles lit, pizza takeaway, angel lights lit around the room, rose petals on the bed and Emily's favourite.. strawberries in chocolate. Emily was so stunned and kept saying it was so beautiful, Alison couldnt stop smiling. The girls got undressed and into casual clothes and cuddled and enjoyed their night.

Alison got a text from Aria saying 'The tickets for honeymoon is under the pillow on the bed. Enjoy tonight. Congratulations guys, love u both so much. xxx'

"You know what Ali, this is the best day of my life. Everything is just so perfect. I havent stopped smiling all day. Thank you so much for this, for everything!"

"I know Em, I was watching your smile and the way you look at the world. Was just so beautiful to see. Today was perfect and I have never smiled like this. You're mine and nobody elses. I love you so much"

The girls got intimate and kissed, Emily thrown Alison at the wall and kisses her face to her neck, she lifted her top and kissed all the way down to her stomach, Alison wrapped her legs around Emily and took her to the bed, Emily felt something in the bed and pulled an envelope out and it said '2 plane tickets to Hawaii'

"Omg Ali is this for us?"

"Of course it is! I just have to transfer the money back to Spencer tonight. You ready to go in the morning?"

"Omg Ali! This really has been the best day of my life! How long are we going away for?"

"How about forever?" Alison said with a cheeky grin and then smiled.

The girls were unbelievably happy and made love the whole night through.

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