6 Months Later

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It was 6 months later and Emily and Alison were happier than ever with their daughter Emmy. They couldn't be any more happier if they tried. Alison had never loved anybody the way she loved Emily and Emily had never loved anybody the way she loved Alison.

In a few weeks time, it was their wedding day. Emily and Alison had called Hanna,Spencer and Aria over to help plan the wedding.

Aria looked after Emmy whilst Hanna and Spencer were fascinated into planning the wedding.

"I wanna be in charge of food and cake" Hanna insisted!

All the girls laughed.

"I'll be amazing and it's something I'm good at.. Scouts honour!"

"Fine Hanna but if you screw up" Alison said but couldn't help but laugh.

Emily couldn't stop staring at Alison and watching the way she'd look at the world and their daughter, she was mesmerised by her girlfriend and couldn't wait until they were married.

Emily snapped out of her daydreaming;

"Yes Hanna of course haha, spence and aria can you hang out with Alison today and go shopping and pick the dresses and do all your bits and stuff and me and Hanna will go shopping and do our bits"

"Babe I want to be with you today" Ali looked sad that Emily was spending the day without her.

"I know I wanted to too but we can't see each other's dresses, not until the day it's a surprise"

"Yeah I guess. You guys ready then?"

"Han you ready?" Em said.

"I was born ready!"

"I guess I'll see you later then, I love you" Alison said to Emily and kissed her.

"You will don't worry, enjoy yourself today. I love you".

Alison,Spencer and Aria headed out, whilst Emily and Hanna stayed in for a bit until Emily's mum came to pick up Emmy and take her out for the day whilst they did some shopping.

-next part, the wedding.

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