The Wedding

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It was finally the day of Emily and Alison's wedding, the excitement that Alison had was unbelievable, she was getting things sorted at her house with Aria and Spencer whilst Emily was getting things done with Hanna and her family. The excitement Emily had was unbelievable. Alison texted Emily; "today's our day and it will be perfect, can't wait to marry you miss fields, I love you".
Emily read the text and couldn't help but smile so she quickly texted back saying; "it is and I know it will be. I cannot wait to marry you either miss DiLaurentis, I love you princess".
Alison read the text and had tears coming down her face, Aria thought something was wrong but it was just the fact that she was getting married to the love of her life and just couldn't wait to marry her.

Aria and Spencer was going though their speeches and made sure everything was sorted. Alison had organised a surprise for Emily when they came back from the wedding. The smiles on the girls face just wouldn't leave, they would smile for the rest of their lives. Hanna was excited for the food but mainly to see her best friends marry after all this time.

Hanna brought the dresses and put them inside the car, she brought out the make up and then put a massive banner on Emily's car. Emily's mum Pam got teary knowing it was her daughters wedding day, Emily told her not to cry and to smile and be happy. Mr and Mrs Fields sat in the front and Mr Fields drove the car as Emily and Hanna sat in the back.

They arrived at the venue for the wedding, Emily and Hanna went straight upstairs with all their stuff and got ready whilst Emily's family arrived and helped set up, Alison's father arrived with Emmy and Jason and some family friends arrived too and helped set up.

Hanna got ready first and took the total of an hour to get ready, Emily was just finishing Hanna's make up and then it was time for Emily to get ready.

Alison arrived moments later and went upstairs with Aria and Spencer just to finish off. Spencer got ready whilst Aria did Alison's make up and hair, when Spencer was ready, Aria went and got ready and Spencer finished off Alison's hair. Within an hour they was all ready and Alison looked stunningly beautiful.

Hanna was ready and Emily went to put her dress on. When she came back in the room to show Hanna, Hanna began to cry because of how stunning Emily looked. Hanna sat Emily down and began to do her make up, once her make up was done she done her hair. She pulled back and looked at her artwork and looked very very happy.

"You look crazy beautiful!"

"Thank you han! This means the world to me thank you!"

Mr Fields knocked on the door and came in with a box for Emily;

"I'm going to try not to cry whilst I give you this. This was my mothers, it's a blue hair grip. May seem like it's nothing special but she wanted me to carry it on to my daughter when she got married. I hope this will be the happiest day of your life I want you to be happy Emmy and I'm happy your daughter is called Emmy, I can call both of you Emmy now. Good luck angel, I love you" and he put the blue clip in Emily's hair.

"Dad. It's special to me! Thank you and I think that's why Alison called her Emmy. I love you too dad".

Then Emily's mum came upstairs to wish her luck and tell her she loved her.

It was time. All the guests arrived and everything was ready.

'Priscilla Ann- Dream' began to play as Emily walked with her father down the corridor and Alison walked with her father down the other corridor. The corridor was long enough for the whole song to play. There was two entrances and Alison got there first and walked down the aisle with her father hooked on her arm to 'Christina Perri-A Thousand Years'. Then it was Emily's turn, she walked down with her father hooked on her arm. Alison turned around and looked at the most beautifulest girl in the world, she constantly smiled at Emily the whole way down. The song had finished by the time Emily had gotten to Alison, Emily's father grabbed Emily's hand and grabbed Alison's hand and put Emily's hand into Alison's hand and whispered to the girls "look after each other. Love you both".

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