The Birth

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It was Alison's due date, the day she would give birth. Alison's water broke whilst Emily was at work, luckily Alison was with Aria, she rang Emily constantly and there was no answer. Aria rang Hanna and Spencer to go and get Emily from the brew and bring her to the hospital. Alison rang Em one last time and there was no answer so she decided to leave a voicemail "em I think I'm about to give birth, please meet me there I can't do this without you. I need you. I've picked a name and it's beautiful just like you. Please hurry I love you".

Hanna and Spencer got Emily, and brought her to the hospital. Emily was just as scared and nervous and everybody else was. She ran through the entrance and finally got to Alison. She kissed Alison on the forehead and then went to her lips and told her it was all going to be alright and told her that they would be married soon and this child would complete them. She told her that everything they've been through has made them stronger and she can't wait to tell the world that Alison's hers and for this baby to grow up and know that it's loved by the strongest girl in the world.

Alison began to cry, not sure whether it was because of what Emily said or the pain.

"It's going to be okay Ali I promise"
Alison grabbed Emily's hand and squeezed so hard.

"Few more pushes lovely" the nurses said.

Emily was so nervous and excited.

"One more big push"

"I can't do this" Ali shouted.

"Yes you can. Squeeze my hand as hard as you can and you're done" Emily insisted.

"You are done lovely. It's a.... Girl"

Emily began to cry and kissed Alison's forehead and mouthed I love you to Ali.

Emily went outside to get the girls.

"Emmy Jessica DiLaurentis"

Emily began to cry. Alison took Emily's hand.

Hours later- Emily and Alison were still at the hospital, Emily sat on the edge of the bed playing with Emmy's fingers whilst Alison was watching the way Emily was with their daughter. Alison was fascinated and in love. "My two favourite girls in the whole entire world both by my side"
Emily was still playing with Emmy and pulling funny faces to even acknowledge what Alison said.

"Most beautiful day in the world, so glad and happy I got to see this Ali"

Alison couldn't help but smile and stare at Emily and the way she looked at the world.

"So how about a date then?"

-next planning the wedding

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