Chapter One- Fred and George Weasley

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**Hey guys! Hope you like it... I know it's pretty bad but I'll come back and edit things that I need to in time. Also, I have been asked to say in the title who her love interest will be, but I prefer to keep it a surprise. What's the fun in already knowing? There is none, exactly. Will it be Neville, Fred, George, Malfoy, Harry, Who knows? It could be anyone! Okay, Enjoy!**

Erabelle sat in her room as always, reading for the tenth time one of the 6 books she was given in her small room at The Andrew's Orphanage. It was called Romeo and Juliet. A beautiful story, she thought as she read the part where the lovers secretly meet at night. It seemed as if it would be so nice to have someone like that, to love and who would never leave you. 

Erabelle Andrews was an orphan girl, she always had been. She was abandoned by her parents when she was born, left on the doorstep of the orphanage with only a note saying her name. The last name "Andrews" is a name all the children with no last name are given. She hated it, and never used it herself. In her opinion, she did not need a last name, because it wasn't really her family name so it didn't define her. 

She was eleven years old, with long, thick, wavy dark red hair which was always getting in her face. She was very pale because the orphanage almost never let her go outside. She was very tall for her age and unhealthily skinny. She unfortunately had no friends because no one seemed to like her. She was actually a very confident and social person and liked to talk, but no one at the orphanage at the time was worth it to her. She used to have one friend, Tommy Wilson, a few years ago, but he was adopted by a nice family. She was sad to see him go but glad that he had found a family. 

She planned to get out of there as soon as she could and find a job. The girl had a longing to learn more about the world. That orphanage had a small school for the children but they hardly learned anything there. She had taught herself most of the things that she knew. She hated that place with all her heart, even her room was more like a jail cell than a "bedroom" in her opinion. It was a small dark room with brown walls, a rough mattress on the floor and a little dresser for clothes. And it was where Erabelle had spent her whole life. 

That morning was the same as any other, Erabelle had been given her oatmeal with no taste to it, and some warm, suspiciously brown water, and she was reading, as always. It was really the only remotely interesting thing to do. They gave her a new book every year, so she should have eleven books, but the other children seemed to have fun playing the game of "Who can take nerd girl's books without her noticing". They seemed to take pride in stealing and burning them. They even bet on who could do it first, those prats. 

Romeo and Juliet was one of her favorites. She was just reading:

"Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Rom-"

When Her reading was suddenly interrupted by a noise of laughing and yelling, coming closer down the hall. Two red-headed boys around her age walked past, and she noticed they were carrying all sorts of toys in their hands. One was yelling, "pranks for sale!" 

And the other was laughing and pointing to the different things they were carrying. Erabelle shrugged, trying to hold back her longing to get back at all the bullies in the orphanage. She had no money, though, so there was really no point. After some more peaceful silence, she heard them coming back. Tentatively, she crept closer to her window and looked at the boys. They were very tall. She tried to duck her head back before they saw, but they noticed and waved at her. They proceeded to knock on her door, and she let them in nervously. They entered, grinning widely. They were totally Identical it seemed, but then she noticed that their noses were a bit different because one was wider and one was longer.

"Hello, miss!" they both said enthusiastically.

"Hello!" Erabelle said with a small smile. They seemed to be waiting for something.

"Well, I'm Fred"

"And I'm George," They said, One after the other.

"Er, I'm Erabelle... Nice to meet you" she was holding back a giggle. They were probably waiting for her to ask for the things that she wanted.

"So, Miss Erabelle, would you be wanting any of our products? We have lots. They're very cheap!" Said Fred hopefully.

"Uh, well the thing is, the little money that I did have was stolen... So I'm afraid I can't help you guys. Sorry." She said sadly. The older kids had stolen her few pounds only yesterday. She had been saving up for months! It was really very sad.

"Oh well we can't have that, can we! Who are the bloody gits' that stole your money? We'd be happy to help!" George winked and she giggled quietly.

"Well, they probably already spent the money, you see I think they were saving up for you two and your toys."

"Well, We can give your money back, and then, if you would like miss, you can buy some from us now! How much did you have?" Said Fred.

"Three pounds," she said.

"Alright, here you go!" They said after shuffling through their bag, then handing her the pounds.

"Now, what would you like?" They asked in unison. She had no idea what she would like. They noticed her bewilderment and portrayed their items.

"Wow, your toys are cool," Erabelle said. They looked offended for a second... and then started laughing. It was very strange.

" Toys? No, no, no, miss, they are... Sophisticated products, for the expert pranksters" The way they said it with fake serious faces made her laugh.

"Alright then, Sophisticated products. I think I might enjoy some of those... Puking pastilles?"

"Of course! That'll be..." he calculated in his head " Uh... One hundred pounds... I think..." she stared at him blankly, and he seemed confused. 

"Uh... one hundred pounds? That seems like a bit much..." She said.

"Oh! Right, uh... not pounds... it was... what are those... uh... Oh! Right! Pence!" 

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