Chapter 3- Ms. Parkins

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** Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while, I've had projects and a few math exams, you know how it is. Well, anyway, here's the next chapter, and make sure to vote& comment! :)**

It was getting towards the end of the summer soon, and Erabelle was getting worried because her best friends would be leaving for school soon, and she would have to be alone again. She thought it wasn't going to be that bad, but now she was realizing that they were a bigger part of her life than she'd thought. They were always there for her and tried to make her life the most enjoyable possible. Even though they had not known her that long, they had become an irreplaceable part of her life. They were great, and the most interesting people she had ever met.  At least they would be back for the holidays, which was some comfort but barely any. 

"Era, want another chocolate?" Fred asked after popping two into his mouth. They were sitting in her room on a Sunday afternoon, eating and discussing the proper way to steal all of Arianna Levitt's socks. They thought that they could do it themselves, but Erabelle considered that a stupid idea because she was smaller and could hide more easily. 

"Sure, why not. Hey, You've only left one for me!" She said irritably after looking in the box. They blushed a shade of deep pink. They seemed to have an obsession with chocolate. Well, more like an obsession with all things edible... 

"Oh... sorry 'bout that... It was George, really!" He claimed. George looked at him angrily.

"Fred!" He said exclaimed. They continued to argue over who had more chocolates, while Erabelle began to zone out. She was thinking about how much she wished she could go to a proper school with them and learn and meet new people. Oh well, that was just a dream to her... 

The next day the twins couldn't come to visit because it was a family day, so she was alone most of the day. But in the late afternoon, she had to go to "School". That was what they called it. It was really just a tired, uninteresting person who knew about as much about the topic as the students, teaching some loud kids who didn't listen. 

Sighing, she made her way to the classroom down in the basement, making sure to get there early and pick her usual spot in the corner. But when she got there, it was not the usual Mr. Browns awaiting her. Standing at the front of the room, holding a stiff walking stick, was a middle-aged woman with her hair pulled into a very tight bun, and with a stiff, cruel expression on her face. She was terrifying. Strangest of all, she was actually watching the kids as they came in, which no other teacher had done. 

When Erabelle went to sit in her usual spot, as she was sitting down the new teacher said with a shrill voice

"No, you may sit in your assigned seat." The child was very confused, but did as she was told. This would be very strange... 

A/N: Sorry this was so short and kind of bad! I was in a bit of a hurry before I got on the plane heading for Scotland. (My aunt lives there). I wrote this in the airport Lol. Sorry, I will publish a better one soon. :)

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