Chapter 19- Shopping

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"Alright, ready?" Era called to her friends before they left for dress shopping. They all nodded and the group began walking to Hogsmeade. It was freezing, and Erabelle had to bundle up in her jeans and pink fuzzy coat, with a purple scarf. She also wore her strange, lime green hat with red puff balls on the edges. Fred and George always made fun of her for it, but it was her favorite. Her hair already stood out brightly against the snow, and the had made her even more vibrant. 

She loved the winter time and all the cold weather. It was a magical time for her at Hogwarts, for she had never celebrated it until her first year. 

"Oy! Era!" She was startled by voices shouting behind her. Fred and George were running down the grounds to catch up with them. Her friends all said hello and the twins went on either side of her. 

"So, what are you two ladies up to today?" George asked, grinning. 

"Dress shopping. For the ball." Zuria said and giggled. 

"Ooh, mind if we tag along? We could give some great fashion tips." Fred said, wiggling his eyebrows. Era rolled her eyes and raised her eyebrows, doubting very much that they would give anything but jokes, but she thought it could be fun. 

"Fine." She said, hiding a smile as they grinned and started talking with her friends. 

"So, who are you beautiful ladies going with to the ball?" They asked in unison. The twins had gotten to befriend all of her friends in the last few years, although they were flirtatious. 

"A Dermstrang boy, Jasper, asked me," Gloria said first looking pleased. Zuria for once said nothing, looking away. 

"And you, Zur?" They asked. She looked like she didn't want to say something, but Era knew that she was just pretending. Inside, she was just exploding with excitement to tell someone else. But she said nothing, only trying to change the subject. 

"Uh, we should hurry so that we have enough time to find good dresses." She said and hurried ahead of them. They all chased after her and reached the store soon after. 

However, when the six of them got in the store, they were distracted immediately. The three girls gasped in awe of the beautiful options they had, and Fred and George were just confused at why they liked this. They decided to take turns, where each person had everyone else look for a dress for them. It was Zuria's turn first, but she was really picky so it was hard. Once they had found five she wanted to try on, the rest of them waited outside the dressing room for her. First, there was a light pink one, that was flowing with ruffles. 

"Cute, but not perfect," Zur said with a shrug, not waiting for their input. Then there was a white one that puffed out too much, a silver shorter one that wouldn't be allowed, and a dark green one that was 'too dark for her' Finally, when they were all losing hope, she came out with a dark blue one. It was long but clung to her until part way down her legs, then it flowed down. It looked beautiful on her, and she spun around with a laugh. It was the one she wanted, so it was time for Gloria. 

Erabelle found a black one for her, and Erin found a red one. Zuria found a light blue one. 

The black did not fit quite right, and the blue was too puffed up. The red one had a rose design and fell just at her knees. It was elegant and gorgeous. 

Then it was Erabelle's turn to find a dress. They spent a while trying to find something to go with her hair. It was hard sometimes, but they ended up with some good ones. But the black one Erin had found was too sparkly, and the Yellow didn't go with her at all. Another blue one was pretty, but not very exciting to her, and they assured her it had to be perfect. Gloria offered her a long white one that she didn't think was much her style. But after trying on five more unsuccessfully, she decided to try it on. It was actually comfortable, unlike she had suspected. It went all the way down to her feet and was elegantly snowy white. It had a part on the side that showed some of her leg but was not too revealing. Era gasped and twirled delightedly, feeling the soft fabric on her legs. 

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