Chapter 12- I loathe you

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**Hey guys, I'm having the best afternoon. I get to sit in a cafe for 2 hours and just write! Though I have to admit I'm not looking forward to classes tomorrow... :(. Okay well, negative thoughts away, I'll start writing! Enjoy!**

Erabelle had been in school for three months now and the holidays would be starting soon. Era was doing well in all of her classes, except potions. It was just so difficult for her to understand, especially with Malfoy making her feeling everything she did was the wrong thing, even when it was right. One afternoon, she was struggling to make a forgetfulness potion and Malfoy was giving no help at all, chatting with Goyle about that day's bullying conquests. It was a potion they had to make together but Snape didn't seem to notice when it was just her. Malfoy knew that she would make a fool out of herself, and he knew that he wouldn't get punished for it.

"Malfoy, you know this is a joined assignment. That means we both work on it." She reminded him, tapping him on the shoulder. He turned around slowly and raised an eyebrow at her. After he did nothing, she said again,

"Look, all you have to do is help me understand what to do here. You could try being helpful for once."

He smirked at her and responded,

"You know what Andrews, I'd rather not. Thanks." He said sarcastically. She huffed with frustration and looked down at the recipe once more. She had already completed part of the recipe and the next step was...

What? Why the hell would I need to wave my wand in a circle over it? She wondered with annoyance. She did that and then completed the rest of the recipe with difficulty. She felt satisfied with her result and smiled confidently. Malfoy looked at what she had created.

"Well, you... created something. But you do know it is supposed to be a dark orange. This is... maroon. You really are worthless at this class." He mocked, laughing with his friends. She saw that it was, indeed, supposed to be dark orange. She frowned, on the verge of yelling at him.

Maybe if I add a bit more Lethe Water it will be better. She nodded to herself, gaining a bit more confidence. She added the water, waiting for a change to appear. It became slightly green. She exclaimed ugh! and put her head on the table.

"Ouch that hurt!" She muttered to herself.

"Hmm, what do we have here? You do know how to read, correct? I wouldn't be surprised if you were in need of some glasses... then again it could just be you." Snape said over her shoulder.

"Yes professor, I suggested that to her myself. I wanted to help but you see, she wanted to do it by herself, maybe to prove something. Pity." Draco said with a fake smile. What a teachers pet.

"No! He was just being la-" Era tried to explain but Snape cut her off.

"I told you before, Miss Andrews. Stop making up excuses, it could get you into trouble..." He would've taken off points if it was a Gryffindor, or any other house besides his own, for that matter. But of course he wanted to win, so he left it there. Class ended then, and she stormed out.

"I will literally kill Draco Malfoy if one more snotty thing comes out of his mouth!" Erabelle complained to her friends as she sat down at the table.

"What? He's really not that bad! I talked to him the other day. He was sweet." Zuria said with a smile. Era huffed, crossing her arms.

"Sure... I'm not stopping you from dating him, or just liking him. But I hate him."

All the girls laughed at her, shaking their heads.


After she finished all her classes for the day, she decided to stroll around the school. As she was walking around the grounds she passed Malfoy. She kept her head down, not wanting to have to say a word to that idiot. But of course, after she passed him he called after her,

"Scared of me now, are you Andrews?" She turned to face him.

"Not in the least, I just didn't want to see your ugly face." She retorted at him.

" At least I'm not a hopeless twat at potions. You really should get a tutor... although I'm not sure that would do any good. You may just be stupid." He said. She went closer to him.

"I loathe you, Draco Malfoy." She said in his face, quiet enough to not be heard by anyone else. Then she simply walked away, leaving him standing there with an annoyed look on his face.

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