Chapter 5- Strange occurrences

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"What did you just say, child?"Ms. Parkins asked menacingly.  

"I only meant that your hairdo is disgusting, Miss." Era replied calmly.

"You are eleven years old and you think you can tell me things like that?! I am decades older than you!" She took a step closer to the girl.

"What? I thought you were centuries older!" uh oh, I took this too far. She thought, nervously. There was only a chair between them. The teacher's eyes squinted and she was about to grab the girl, when the chair between them suddenly was pushed toward the woman out of nowhere, knocking Ms. Parkins over forward over it onto the ground. Erabelle gasped, as did the other students, shocked. Everyone else took a step back indicating that it wasn't them, they weren't to blame. Era was left standing alone in the center of the room, over the angry teacher. Parkins stood up slowly, a huge bump forming on her forehead. She shrieked and grabbed Erabelle. 

"How DARE you?!  You think you can just injure a teacher like that? Your headmaster will hear about this. It turns out you scum children will need more discipline then I thought." She was pulled out harshly from the room and towards the office of Ms. Drusilla. The head of the orphanage was known for her disciplinary methods. Some students said she just had terrible chores, but she had overheard one boy saying that if it got really bad, she might injure you. 

Erabelle shuddered at the thought. Hopefully it wasn't that bad... and plus, she never really pushed the chair! That must have been somebody else. Era may sometimes say things that would get her into trouble for her temper, but she would only physically harm somebody if she felt it was necessary. 

Parkins didn't even bother knocking, she was so angry that she just barged into the office, slamming the door behind her and pulling Erabelle in with her. Then they both stood facing the lady sitting at the desk with one eyebrow raised. It must have been a strange sight, but not one she hadn't seen before. Two people before her, one looking terrified and one looking rather... well yes, demented. 

"Hmm, what do we have here? Gertrude?" She addressed Ms. Parkins calmly. 

"This student has gone too far over the boundaries! She tried to sit in the wrong seat, and then insulted my teaching! And worst of all, she physically harmed a teacher! I simply cannot allow this behavior in my classroom." She ranted on to her boss. 

"But I didn't-" Era was interrupted by Ms. Drusilla, who gave her a teacher look if you know what I mean... 

"I will not take the word of an incompetent and clearly violent student. Tell me Gertrude, what did she do to "Physically harm" you?" Ms. Drusilla stood up and talked with a shrill and commanding voice. 

"Well, she went up close to me and pushed a chair forcefully forward in order to trip me forward and damage my legs! One of the bad ones, she is indeed." Parkins mumbled. The headmistress turned her squinting gaze upon Era once more. 

"What a very bad, bad child you have been indeed." She looked very menacing.

"But miss, I didn't do it I swear! It was another student!" Ms. Drusilla raised both her eyebrows very high this time and asked,

"Oh really? Then which student is responsible? Hmm?" When Era didn't respond, she chuckled cruelly.

"I thought so. How disappointing... we have to add lying to your list of crimes. How tragic... So, what shall we do with you, hmm? This being your... second time for violence, I believe?" She searched through a file. "Yes, it appears that two years ago you threw several rocks in a poor boy's face for no reason. Well, we will have to give you proper punishment..."


A long while later of cleaning scrubbing, and more she collapsed on her "bed", about to cry. That boy two years ago that she supposedly threw rocks at for no reason? He had pulled her hair and called her ugly! And to add to that, she didn't even throw the rocks. Who knows who did, it wasn't her and that's all she knew. Of course no one believed her. 

It was then that she noticed a letter sitting on her bed. This felt strange, she never got mail... 

Erabelle sniffed and sat up, taking hold of the envelope and reading the outside. 

It read,

Miss Erabelle Andrews, Room number twenty-eight, Andrews Orphanage, London, England. 

Even stranger. She tore it open excitedly, suddenly very curious as to who would send her mail. It said in a very neat font,

Dear Ms. Andrews, 

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. 

We await your owl by no later than July 31. 

Yours sincerely, 

Minerva McGonagall- Deputy Headmistress. 

"What the bloody hell is this?!" She said out loud.

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