Chapter 15- Detention

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Erabelle walked as slow as possible to the door of Snape's office, knowing this was always the last place she wanted to be. She took a slow, exaggerated sigh and knocked on the door.

"Enter" Snape called. She opened the door to the familiar office, gloomy as ever. It was creepy and strange to be in there, as it always was.

"Well, I'm here..." She said to break the silence after a minute of him ignoring her and writing something down. He looked up annoyedly at her.

"Alright. Fine, clean these cauldrons. You have one hour." He said briskly, and then continued working on whatever it was on his desk. Era groaned, looking at the cauldrons, coated with different colored slimy potions. Of course he had saved the worst for her. There were five, so she began grudgingly washing one with sticky pink potion. Snape looked over at her as she cleaned it.

"Nevermind. I can do those myself. You clean this." He said with a smirk, pulling out a giant cauldron. It had green slime in it, and several chunks of who knows what. She stood there, shocked at she sheer disgustingness of the thing.

"Mister Longbottom seemed to get a bit... traumatized earlier today, and he threw up, as you say it, in his cauldron. I simply do nt appear to have the time to clean this, so you are the perfect candidate for the job." He said. She couldn't believe she had to clean up Neville Longbottom's vomit. She almost just ran out of the room, but instead she said,

"Yes, professor," With a bit of an edge. He leaned over to hand her the cauldron. As he handed it to her, she suddenly was taken away from the room. It wass dizzying, she felt a jolt and then saw a flash of something. No, someone. It was a girl, she had red hair and was probably younger than Erabelle. The girl smiled and laughed quietly, and then it showed another image of her, but this time she was walking away into the distance... And then Erabelle was jolted back to reality.

She had dropped the cauldron, and it's contents were all over the floor and her shoes. She felt a dizzying rush, and everything went Dark.


"I'm telling you, she used legitamency! How can a girl of that young age have mastered it already? She read my mind when she just touched my hand for a moment accidentally, handing me a cauldron!" Snape said in a rush to the other man.

He was pacing around Dumbledore's large office, anger lines wrinkling his face as he thought back to what she had seen.

"Severus, calm down. I see that this is very strange, seeing as how she lived without magic most of her life. But we can figure it out." Dumbledore said in an attempt to calm the man.

"But you haven't told me what the girl saw. It would be helpful to know, to see how far she saw into your mind." The headmaster said.

"She saw... her." Snape said quietly, looking away. Dumbledore understood, and just nodded.


Erabelle woke up three hours later in an unfamiliar bed. She didn't remember anything that happened after she had seen the red haired girl. She felt a jabbing pain in her left foot, and had a throbbing headache. She slowly opened her eyes and they adjusted to the light after a few seconds. She saw her three friends there, conversing in hushed tones.

"What do you think happened that made her pass out?"

"Maybe the pain from the leg?"

Era couldn't make out who was saying what, but she said,

"Guys?" They all turned to look at her, worried smiles on their faces.

"You're awake! How do you feel?" Gloria asked her.

"Fine," Era lied. "What happened?" They looked at eachother and Erin began,

"Well, you dropped a huge cauldron on your foot, and then you passed out. We're not sure exactly why you passed out but they're saying it was the pain." She said as if she was speaking to a little child. Erabelle decided to try and sit up, pulling her back of the bed. Since her upper body was not injured she could lift herself up and face them.

"Are you sure you should-" Gloria started but Era looked at her grumpily and she quieted down. Gloria knew that when she was in a bad mood, her friend would be very stubborn. Especially with that look.

Madam Pomfrey cleared her throat from behind the girls and they all turned to face her.

"You all must leave now. She has to rest."

"But-" Era started to argue but the nurse silenced her with a look. Her friends stood up to leave and said goodbye. Once they had left, Era said to Madam Pomfrey,

"I feel fine, really. I can hardly even notice it." She said with a convincing smile. The older woman looked doubtful and considered for a minute.

"Well, I did heal a bit, but it will take time, it is broken. You may spend the night in your dorm but I expect you here tomorrow morning to check in. Are you sure you can walk?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

"Yep! Thank you so much." Era said and got up from the hospital bed. She felt a terrible pain in her foot, but she walked out of the room in a convincingly normal way. Once she was outside, she had to limp but she could make it to her dorm.

But she didn't feel like going to her dorm so, being Erabelle, she decided to take a walk. It was very late at night, but Madam Pomfrey had given her a note... so why not? She thought as she began to limp painfully around the school. She wanted to go outside and get some fresh air, so she made her way down to the lake and then sat down and just thought about everything. She had come a long way since that day she received her acceptance letter.

I wonder what would've happened if I- She thought, but her thoughts were interrupted by footsteps behind her. She knew that if it was a teacher, she would get caught because she wouldn't be able to limp away fast enough.

"Who is it?" a voice called from behind her. A Malfoy voice.

"Just me." She responded, not sure if she should be rude as usual or nicer...

"Oh." He replied. He came to stand next to her and she looked up at him questioningly.

"Can I sit here?" he asked hesitantly.


He sat down, and there was an awkward pause. She glanced over at him but looked away quickly, not wanting him to notice.

"So, why are you out here?" He asked. She wasn't sure if she should tell him but he seemed to understand at the moment, so she said,

"I guess I just wanted to think about... everything, you know?"

"Yeah, I know." He said.

They sat in a comfortable silence for a long time, just thinking about everything together. The good thing about Draco Malfoy is that he let her think, unlike most people in her life. It felt like a short amount of time, but when she looked up at the sky, she saw the sun was slowly coming out.

"Should we get back?" She asked him. He seemed to realize the time as well and he stood up, stretching. She did the same, and they walked up the grounds together.

Once they were almost at the common room, she stopped him just for a moment. Slowly and uncertainly she held up a hand.

"Truce?" He took her hand and shook it.


And they went their separate ways.

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