Chapter 7- Ms. Weasley

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A few days later, after Erabelle had been thinking of all the possible things, good and bad, that could come out of this impossible situation. She paced in her room, going through phases of excitement and nervousness and many more. She was set to meet the twins today as usual, but she couldn't focus on small things like that now. She was a witch! God, she thought, it sounded so strange saying that. She sat down and stared into space, looking at nothing. 

"HELLO!" Someone shouted in her ear. 

"What the-  Fred!   You-    Ugh!!!" She was so startled that she couldn't catch her breath yet. Ignoring her reaction the twins began to speak excitedly. 

"So we talked to mum-" Fred began.

"And she said that she wants to-" George continued. 

"Meet you!" They both said happily. Her eyes widened. 

"Oh, awesome! I guess that'll be good." She said quietly. 

"Era, what's wrong? And don't say it's nothing, you've been like this since you got the letter." Fred and George looked very worried, it was sweet. 

"Oh, I just... well I'm not sure. I just feel like this is hard to believe. I mean there are so many things that could go wrong, you know?" They nodded and then looked at each other. George looked at her, seemingly attempting the older worried brother look. He put a hand on her shoulder and sighed. 

"Oh, sweet Erabelle. I believe that you are overthinking things." She took his hand off and looked away. 

"Well that's clear." Erabelle muttered. Fred then spoke up.

"What we're trying to say is that you have had so many disappointments that you might just be so convinced that bad things will continue to happen, that you are pushing this good thing away. For fear that it will disappoint you as well?" Wow, Fred and George could almost seem...wise  at times. But as she thought about it, she realized that it was very true. They knew her too well, she supposed. 

"I guess you're right... thanks guys," She smiled at them and her mood brightened just a bit. 


Ms. Weasley wondered to herself while waiting for the boys to come downstairs to leave. 

That poor, poor girl. They must treat her horribly. Maybe she could come to stay with us for the rest of the holidays. Fred and George seem to treat her like family. Children should never have to deal with things like that, it's just horrendous. 

She was awakened from her thoughts as the boys came tumbling down the stairs, grinning widely. 

"Alright mum, we're ready! You got the floo powder ready, right?" Fred asked.

"Yes, I'm all ready. Let's go. Wait, George!" She stopped him before he reached for the powder, brushing down the knot of hair on the top of his head. 

"Mum! Stop it! That's weird!" Ms. Weasley sighed and shook her head. Children. They grabbed some floo powder and Fred stepped into the fireplace, saying clearly,

"The Andrews Orphanage." 


Ms. Weasley arrived in the orphanage, coughing up ashes. She blinked a few times to get the soot out of her eyes, it had been a rough travel. The woman stepped out of the fireplace and looked around. It was a very uninviting room, being quite dark and having no color whatsoever. The hair of the three Weasleys in the room seemed to be shining, as they stood out compared to the gloomy atmosphere of everything else around them. 

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