Chapter 2- Friends

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**Hey! I actually got a few reads, WOW I'm surprised hehe. I also dedicated this chapter to Tigerlily2468, because she gave me some great ideas for the story!

 Enjoy!** :)

(dedicated to tigerlily2468 for her nice comment! It made me smile :))

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. One hundred pence. I think." George said uncertainly. She was astounded that he didn't remember what pence were! Where did he grow up!

"Uh, alright. A pound, you mean. How did you mix those amounts up! They're opposites, George!" She asked, laughing a bit, and handing them the money. 

"They are? I mean, Er, I just... didn't sleep much, you know how it is... Wait, I didn't say one pound, I said one hundred pence! You're giving me too much." He said, trying to give you the pound back.

"What? No, George, one hundred pence is the same amount as one pound, remember?" How strange these boys were.

"Oh, yeah we knew that, we were just, uh, testing your memory!" They said in unison.

"Okay... Sure" Erabelle said sarcastically. They ignored it, grinning widely.

"Alright, we best be going" They said after a pause. She felt a bit disappointed, She didn't know why, but she didn't want them to go. They seemed to notice her face fall, and they looked at each other, then nodded.

"Or, maybe we could stay a bit and help you prank the others..." Fred said.

"Yes Fred, what a good Idea!" George agreed.

"Well, alright, I suppose" The girl said, hiding her glee to finally have interesting people that actually wanted to talk to her.

They spent the rest of the day successfully pranking and then just talking. Turns out she had lots in common with the twins, and they were really very enjoyable company. They were her first real friends since Tommy, and she was very excited about it. She didn't know if they considered her a friend yet, but she hoped. They had to go at one point, but they promised to visit more and they certainly did. 

They came almost every day that whole summer. The three of them would sneak out, and eat the strange candies that they brought, and they even pulled loads of pranks on the others. They became like brothers to her. They were almost two years older than her, but they treated her the same. She learned they had a big family, with five brothers and a sister. They went to some boarding school in Scotland, which was sad because they would be going there for the whole school year, not including the holidays. They were very vague when describing it for some unknown reason, but it didn't really matter. Plus, any school away from the orphanage sounded like heaven to her.

 They even brought her more books and things to do, and gradually her life was becoming happier every day. The most important thing was that she finally had people that cared about her.

**Hope you liked it! Make sure to please comment on if you would like pictures throughout the story.**

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