Chapter 6- Explanations

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**Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying it so far... I got 50 reads and some votes! I know it's like only fifty and really not significant to y'all but it is for me! Yay! I expected like... 10 at best? haha okay, enjoy!**

She furrowed her eyebrows, then laughed sadly. This was a cruel joke. Then she saw the fancy envelope and the high-quality parchment, and she was very confused. Erabelle blinked rapidly a couple of times, then looked back down. It was still there! After staring wide-eyed around her, she read the letter over and over again. 

Magic doesn't even exist! I can't get my hopes up for something impossible. 

She told herself. 

Erabelle spent the rest of the night staring in awe and confusion at the letter, wondering if it would disappear. 


The next day she woke up on the floor, having gracefully fallen off the bed. The letter was in her hand still, as she had read it over and over until around 2 A.M. She checked the time, and it was almost noon already. 

"Wow, these things are weird, Fred. But surprisingly good."

"Hmm, yeah but I prefer the orange ones."

They all taste the same!" She heard the twins coming down the hallway talking loudly.

"No they don't! I swear!" They entered the room, holding a pack of M&Ms and comparing colors. When they saw her, they stopped talking and looked as if they were about to burst out laughing. 

"Why dear Era, you're looking very... great today." George said sarcastically.

"Yeah, love the new hairstyle." Fred added. Erabelle looked confused and then took her small mirror and saw her reflection. She had hair sticking up in knots at the top of her head and bags under her eyes from not sleeping. She tried smoothing down her hair, only for it to resist and bounce back up. The twins howled with laughter, ruffling her hair even more. 

"Oh shove off you two. It's not that bad!" She said grumpily. Then the twins suddenly stopped laughing, staring at something in her hand. She looked down, realizing it was the letter they were looking at. 

"What's that?" Fred asked. She hid it behind her, blushing.

"Oh, just nonsense, I think someone is pranking me." But George grabbed it from her and stared at it. He then lifted his head to look at Fred, grinning. They then tore out the letter and read it, their eyes bulging. They seemed extremely pleased by something.

"What is it, guys? Care to explain?" She inquired suspiciously. Maybe they were the ones that had pranked her. They looked up at her at the same time, their grins only getting wider and wider. 

"You're a witch, Erabelle!" They said in unison. She stared at them for a moment and then just burst out laughing. They looked very confused as they sat down on her bed on either side of her. 

"Era. I know it sounds confusing, but it's true, we had no idea ourselves either. They sounded like parents giving their kid a "Talk". 

"Er, sorry but it's just that why did you go to the trouble of buying nice ink and parchment for one small prank?" She asked them. 

"No, you have to believe us! Plus, come on you know I couldn't write that well. Well, I'll explain it now. You have magic, and yes magic exists. We go to the school, Hogwarts, that you have been accepted to in that letter. It's first year through seventh, you're going into first. We're going into third. I know it's a lot to take in, but it's true." He stated calmly. 

Era didn't know what to say. It had to be a prank! Magic, please. Right? 

"Uh... well, first of all, I never said anything about going somewhere. And second of all... well... what the hell?!" She exclaimed, flopping onto her bed exhaustedly. 

"I know it's weird but think about it! You can leave this place for most of the year! Have real friends, get an education. " 

It did sound like heaven... 


After hours of them explaining and convincing her, she was finally beginning to understand. She read through the needed items and was shocked. 

"How am I supposed to get the money for this?" She asked frantically. 

"Uh, no idea... haven't thought about it." Fred said, furrowing his eyebrows. George spoke up,

"Maybe we have some extra old ones at home. We should... ask mum." He said those last words as if they were terrifying. Oh right, she remembered that their mum was annoyed at them for exploding some potion they had been experimenting with and setting the curtains on fire. 

"Alright... but she really doesn't have too, I'll find another way if not. She doesn't even know me!" Erabelle replied. 

They thought it would be fine, but they agreed they'd find another way if Ms. Weasley said no. 

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