Chapter 4- Anger

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She looked up at the teacher, confused, but knew there was no point arguing. Era (that was the name Fred and George called her, and she liked it) looked around and of course, smack in the middle of the classroom, next to Johnny Rupert Green, the idiotic jerk, was a desk with her name on it. She went to sit down slowly and grudgingly, while inside hoping that this was just a substitute teacher.  

As all the children walked in and processed this new information as she did, the teacher remained stiffly standing in the front of the classroom, seemingly judging every student that walked in. Every time Erabelle thought that the expression on that terrifying woman's expression could not get any tenser, it did. 

When all of them were seated the teacher finally spoke in her harsh, shrill voice. 

"Now that you have all found your seats I will introduce myself.  I am Ms. Parkinson, your new teacher. The last one could not seem to control you lot of uncivilized orphans. Well let me tell you something and I will only say it once, so it would be in your best interests to listen. I will not tolerate the uncivilized, the rude or the children who speak when they are not spoken to directly by me. Or you will have to face... consequences"  Era shuddered at Ms. Parkinson after she said those words. When she said consequences, she stroked the long stick that she was carrying maliciously. God, what kind of punishment was she thinking?  

"Anyway, you must not be the un-organized vermin that you are so used to being. Not in my class. So, we will start with some basics and I trust that you will not fail me. You should know these things by now. Hmm.... you" She pointed to a dark haired girl in the back of the class who was reading her book very attentively, not noticing that by now every other student in the class was staring at her. She seemed to suddenly notice Ms. Parkinson glaring fiercely at her after a moment, and said in a shaky voice. 

"Y-yes Ms. Parkinson?" She said in a shaky voice. The new teacher stepped forward.

"I did not ask you to speak, now did I child? Well get up, and come forward to the chalkboard." The small girl came forward, pushing up her glasses nervously. 

"Now, write the answer to three hundred sixty-five multiplied by one hundred and fifty-two.  And don't waste time writing it out, just the answer not the entire problem." The girl stared at her blankly, clearly not knowing how to do this. 

Oh, she thought to herself the other students did not learn this yet, I learned it by myself, right. 

That poor girl. She just stood there dumbfounded and shaking, not sure what to do. After what seemed like ages, she finally spoke up. 

"Ms. Parkinson, uh, I do not know how to do the problem, I'm sorry." She said in a tiny voice. 

"Oh, I see. You children don't even know how to do this simple math equation. Oh, what a shame, I suppose stupidity is contagious throughout this place" She shuddered with disgust. That woman made Era so mad. The girl was terrified and she knew it, she was even happy about it. She called them all stupid and even though Era knew most of them were, she did not like to be called it herself. She clenched her fists tightly. She had never been able to control her anger very well, ever since she punched Johnny five years ago. Ah, the good times. 

Anyway, she could barely control herself from standing up right then and just walking out of that class and away from them all, for once in her life.  

"You cowardly girl, you didn't even try. Too busy reading some child's book, with all its lies and fantasies about a better world. Well, guess what, there is no good in the world. Only survival, and money. So get over it." Ms. Parkinson snatched the book from the girls hand and placed it in her desk. A single tear slid down the girls face and she whimpered softly. That was it. 

"Well maybe you should actually teach instead of humiliating your own students if you want us to be "civilized" " Erabelle mocked. "You can't just expect to scare the stupidity out of us, though I wouldn't be surprised if you did with that hairdo," she yelled. Just after, Era covered her mouth quickly, eyes wide. 

What have I done, what have I done! 

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