Chapter 20- Erin

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**Hey guys, so this chapter is gonna have some scenes where her friend Erin is the focus, and then it will go back to Erabelle, so if you are confused sry about that**

"Okay, uh, well..." Era said awkwardly, pushing her hair behind her ear. 

"We were just getting drinks, we went dress shopping. I was actually telling Erabelle how gorgeous she will look in the new dress we just got for the ball. I know you'll think she looks beautiful in it. You are going with her after all, Roger." Zuria ranted, her eyes narrowing. 

"Uh, yeah, I'm sure she will look great. She always does." Roger said, standing and putting his arm around Era. She smiled with relief, remembering he still was her boyfriend, and she had nothing to worry about. Her friends all smiled and exchanged a look that they thought she didn't notice. 

They all got drinks and sat down, and after a while, everyone forgot about the third year girl, like it was all normal. 

Erabelle was discussing potions work with Gloria when she saw Erin stand up in the corner of her eye. 

"You leaving so soon Erin?" Era asked her. Erin looked down and sighed.

"Yeah, I have to study." She said quietly. Erin was always the quietest of the group, but once she grew closer to you she would open up. 

"Alright, I'll see you later." Era smiled at her and she smiled back, turning away.

"Why do you need to study so much. You could try having fun for once, you know." Roger laughed. 

"Oh- um- I just... need to go," Erin said, blushing and walked away hastily. Erabelle frowned at Roger, turning to him. 

"That was mean, Roger. Why did you have to say that?" 

"Oh, come on, lighten up," He said, chuckling and rolling his eyes like she was a small child. 


Once Erin was out of the room, she sighed and stopped walking. 

Why does she have to date someone like him? Erin thought and frowned. He was so stuck up and rude, and she could see that he certainly wasn't loyal to Erabelle. She began to walk to a bench where she could get some reading done and sat down. She rummaged in her bag for the book and instead felt her hand brush up against the soft fabric of her dress. 

"I don't know why I even bought this dress, it's not like I have anyone to go with... I should just not go..." Erin muttered to herself. 

"But what a pity that would be, my dear Erin." George Weasley had heard her and was standing beside the bench, a lopsided smile on his face. 

"I don't see why I should..." Erin said, hiding a smile and looking down. George was sweet, but she knew he wouldn't care if she went or not. He had enough interesting friends to keep him company, he was most likely just saying it to be nice. He sat down next to her suddenly and nudged her on the shoulder. 

"Come on, it'll be fun. Who cares if you don't have a date? I don't either." 

"It's different for you. You could go with anyone if you asked, but I couldn't." She said shyly. 

"Oh come on. You're nice, you're smart and you're cool. You could ask anyone too." He said. 

"I haven't heard you talk seriously for more than thirty seconds before. I'm impressed, George." Erin brushed her hair behind her ear. He had hardly ever talked to her before, though they had hung out in groups many times. Erabelle told Erin all of the pranks that they had done and she pretended to be disapproving, but secretly she was impressed and had always wanted to ask them about it. 

"Well, I have many hidden talents. You should see me explode a toilet." He chuckled at her. She laughed and then a snort came out before she could stop it. She hated her laugh because of that snort, it was so embarrassing. She covered her mouth, wide-eyed and then George began to laugh harder. 

"That was- that was- a snort!" He laughed. She rolled her eyes. 

"It's terrible! Stop laughing!" She said indignantly. 

"But Erin it's wonderful!" He said loudly, grinning. 

"What?" She was confused at what he could possibly mean. 

"What I mean is, that is the most beautiful laugh I have ever heard. I love it!" 

"You're ridiculous." She looked away to hide her blush and her hat fell over her face. 

"So, I think I have come to a solution to your ball problem." He said confidently. 

"And what do you have in mind?" She asked, eyebrows raised. 

"I say we go alone, together." He gave her a smile that was supposed to be confusing but came out... creepy. 

"That doesn't even make sense!" 

"Yes it does, you see we both go without a date and spend the ball together!" He exclaimed like this was the most brilliant idea in the world. She hesitated, not sure what to say.

"Alright, I accept your offer of going alone, together." She smiled widely and they continued to talk. 


The Yule Ball was getting closer and closer, and students were getting frantic with their dates and preparations. Era was annoyed that George would say he didn't have a date, but would look down and change whenever it was mentioned. She was jogging around the castle to get some exercise after dinner, and literally ran into Malfoy when she was looking down. 

"Hey, Watch it, Andrews." He said in a fakely annoyed voice as she stumbled back.

"Sorry, just got distracted." 

"All right. Why are you running around like that?" Malfoy frowned, obviously confused. Era rolled her eyes.

"Oh you people. You all grew up as Wizards! Have you ever heard of getting exercise by going on runs?" 

"Why would I?" He seemed to think it was the most absurd thing. 

"To not become fat and lazy... obviously." She whacked him with her hand and laughed. 

"Well anyway, Snape sent me to tell you to go to his office immediately." He said in a monotone. He was in a bad mood today.

Era groaned. 

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