Chapter 8- So Many Weasleys

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 **Hey! This chapter is dedicated to Jada for being really nice and giving me great feedback, so thanks! And go follow her. :) Comment how you all are liking it!**

Erabelle just stood there for a minute, taking it all in. There were so many of them! And this wasn't even everyone. It was filled with red heads, including herself. Wow. That's when she realized they were all staring at her expectantly and she smiled. 

"Hello! I'm Erabelle, but you probably already know that." They all smiled at her and introduced themselves. There was Ginny, Ron, of course the twins, Percy, and Mr. and Ms. Weasley. Charlie and Bill were out somewhere. After a bit of small talk, Fred and George smiled and inquired,

"You hungry?" She grinned knowingly at them, because they had told her tales of Ms. Weasleys wonderful, glorious food. 

"I'm always hungry" She replied with an evil look at them. They laughed and Ron said with a grin,

"I think I'm gonna like her" Era chuckled and sat in front of the food Ms. Weasley had put out for her. 

"Well, Ronald, I'm not surprised. Who doesn't?" And with that, she stuffed her face with mashed potatoes. Because, why shouldn't I? She thought. 


A couple of weeks passed and Erabelle was completely fitting in to the family. She got along with everyone. She even looked like one of them! However, she couldn't stay there forever, school was coming in only a week. 

"Alright dear, have the boys told you about Diagon Alley?" Ms. Weasley asked Erabelle on a Monday at dinner. 

"Yes, they have." Era replied. 

"Good, well we are going shopping for school supplies tomorrow there, and I would like to apologize that you may not be getting the most... high quality items. We apologize, but we are on a bit of a-" Erabelle cut her off in the middle of her sentence. 

"Ms. Weasley, you don't need to worry about that at all. Anything besides rags and horrible porridge is like a luxury to me, after the orphanage. You've done enough for me already and I'm so grateful to you and your family." She said with a smile. Ms. Weasley's expression softened. 

"Thank you dear, and it is no trouble at all." She replied and they continued on with dinner, everyone explaining quidditch to Era. 


The next morning Era woke up a bit too early, already jumping with excitement for Diagon Alley. She was careful not to wake up Ginny ,who she was staying with, and she ran to Fred and George's room. Closing the door carefully, she tiptoed up to George's bed and went right up to his ear. She then began yelling:

"GET UP!!!! THERE'S A FIRE!!!" George jumped up with wide eyes and started looking around wildly. 

"Where is it?! Is everyone okay?!"George asked her, looking terrified. Era just stood there for a moment with a fake expression of fear on her face, until she couldn't hold it anymore. She burst out laughing at the hilarious expression on his face.

"Erabe- wait... did you just- what the bloody hell is going- is there really a fire?" He said confusedly, it sounded like it was too early for him to process this information. Era was still giggling at him and he flopped back on his bed with a sigh. 

"I'm gonna get you back for this, Miss Erabelle. Just you wait!" He started to fall asleep again. Then she heard a groan from behind her, and turned to see Fred sitting up and rubbing his eyes, very confused. 

"Era? Huh? What time is it...." He asked with his eyes half closed. Erabelle sighed and realized she had forgotten he was there. 

"Sorry Fred, George. I'm so excited for Diagon Alley! I finally get to see the wizarding world" She said with her eyes wide. Fred chuckled and got up slowly, and George did the same. They made her go get ready so they could change, so she went to get clothes that weren't pajamas. The Weasleys had loaned her some of Ginny and Ron's clothes, so that she didn't have to wear rags again. She decided on wearing some skinny jeans, a black t-shirt and little brown boots. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and skipped downstairs for breakfast. 


They finally arrived at the brick wall that apparently led to Diagon Alley? Era was very confused but didn't want to say anything and sound stupid. Mr. Weasley began to tap the wall with his wand in specific places, and then stood back. Suddenly, the wall opened up to a wonderful place: Diagon Alley. 

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