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We jump into The Hunger Games first.

"Are we in District 12?"

"Yeah." He responds.

"It's raining. Are we at the part that Peeta throws the bread to Katniss?" I ask.

"How the heck do you know all these books so well?" He asks.

"I've read this trilogy 17 times. I've seen the movies 9 times, pretty sure I'm gonna have some of it memorized." I reply.

He grabs my hand and takes me to Mellark Bakery.

We head inside. Peeta is over by the oven about to burn the bread. He looks around as if to make sure the coast is clear. He bites back. He can't do it.

"He needs help.This is where I come in," James whispers to me.

James goes over by the oven in the corner, and "accidentally" nudges Peeta's arm while looking at some bread.

The tip of the bread gets burnt by the fire.

Peeta's mother walks over, sees the bread, and smacks Peeta.

"Stupid boy, go feed it to the pigs."

I look over at the window.

Katniss has just dropped there,over by the tree, after having an exhausting day at The Hob, trying to sell baby clothes.

It was useless. She couldn't do it anymore.

Peeta walks out on the porch, (while me and James continue "looking" at pastries) and throws some of the bread to the pigs.

Then, the legendary moment takes place.

He chucks it to Katniss.

She grabs it, and runs.

The mom comes out and smacks him again, and scolds him. I can't hear what she says.

The moment is over.

James grabs my hand, and we're back at the bookstore.

"Why is your "base" the bookstore?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"Whenever we're done "helping" the book, you always come back here."

"Oh! I get the strongest  signal here. You know, being surrounded by books, plus, there's endless possibilities of which book we go in." He explains.

"Don't you have a home you can go to, or is this the only thing you ever do?"

We both sit on the brick ledge that's just outside the store.

"Yeah, I have a home. But it's not safe to go there right now. There's a war."

"Between whom?"

"Between my world and reality. Yes, I'm real, my home's real, but your , humans, reality, denies it. They think that we're fictional. It's people like you, that don't deny us. You believe that books are your reality.

My home, is kind of like a book. It's not, but because humans have such a different reality, they tend to believe that there is no other worlds.

Every time someone denies my kind, the world slowly fades, literally, fades. A part starts to lose color. Whenever a human believes us, parts start to gain color again. My reality is fading." He explains.

"I'm so sorry, James. Where are you from? What are you?" I ask softly, I'm taken aback by his answer to my simple two worded question: "Between whom?" .

He shrugs his shoulders. "There's nothing I can do about it. Anyway, I'm from Mirrors. I'm a Book Jumper. I'm not from literal mirrors, that's just what my world is called."


I have sympathy for him.

His world is fragile. One day, his world could be completely gone, and he'd be trapped on Earth.

"Alright, let's call it a day. You gotta get back to your job and life, I gotta go check into my hotel. See you tomorrow! Be at the store by 10AM!" He says.


I look down at my watch.

It's only 2 in the afternoon.

I go back into the bookstore.

"You're back! You've been gone a while! I'm assuming with James?" Claire says while holding a box of books.

"Yeah, sorry! What do you want me to do now that I'm back?" I ask.

She smiles, "Go ahead and dust the shelves."


I obey, and can't wait for tomorrow.         

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