This One (Part One)

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Once he tosses me in, I feel a fast jolt, someone slams on the brakes.
Think Lynn, think.

I know I read somewhere about what happens in this situation and how to get out. Okay, first, I think, you have to get the mask off.

Sorry, my hands are kinda tied right now.

We speed up.

I have to get this off my hands, can I feel what kind of knot it is?


All those years of pointless Girl Scout camp finally paid off. It's a double-square knot, pretty simple. I weave my fingers through it, and it's undone. Alrighty then! I take off the blindfold and rip the cloth out of my mouth.

Step two: Punch the back headlight out and wave your hand through the hole. Crack.

It's not completely broken, I punch it a few more times,

Crack. Crack. Crack.


I start waving my hands out, when I realize, I can reach the trunk handle from here, it's a stretch, but I'm willing to possibly break a bone if I can save my life. I pray that it's open.

Please, please, please, PLEASE let it be open!

I finally get to the handle,


Yas puh-lease.

I push it open, I realize we're on a highway.

I say a few curse words, the one you're thinking that I'm saying will do just fine.

"Uh, okay, Lynn, how are you going to get us out of this one?!" I ask myself. I put my feet just above the pavement, so they're dangling, and there's a grass field right by the highway. I tighten my shoelaces, and make a jump for the grass. I do the last two steps of  "If there's fire on your clothes". Drop and roll. I cover my eyes.

I stop. I go back up to the car, and follow it.

I'm going to follow it until it gets to its destination.

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