Trapped(Part Three)

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As we run out, we steal bicycles that are parked outside the building.

"FOLLOW THEM!" I hear a guard say.

"Wherever shall we go to, Lynn?" I ask James as we start riding.

"I don't know. Just keep riding and follow me.

We ride for about half an hour.

"Alright, I think we lost 'em," James says.

We're in the middle of nowhere, there's only corn fields and pavement around.

"Alright, let's use your magic watch and go back to Brelling's." I say.

"It's not a magic watch. It's a book manipulator," He says.

"Whatever, let's just head back." I say.

He tries typing something into his watch.

He types something in about nine times before giving up.He looks confused and concerned.


"What's wrong?" I finally ask.

"My book manipulator-it's not working. It has a defect or something. It'll take a few days to get it working again." He answers.

"You mean to tell me that we are stuck inside a colorless place that doesn't have any taste for a few days until you get your magic watch working again?! WHAT THE HECK?!?!" I turn around and bury my face into my hands.

A hovercraft flies loudly above us, so we hide in the corn field.

When the ship passes, James just blandly goes,

"It's not a magic watch."

I walk away from the Sass Queen, but all of a sudden, a young woman's voice says "You two are cute; Like an old couple."

I turn around to see who it is.

"Who're you?"

She puts out her hand for me to shake it.

"Hi, I'm Rosemary."

My eyes get wider, as my subconscious seems to shout 'nOPENOPENOPE'.


I run away from her.

She just shrugs it off.

I look back, and she's disappeared.

No trace of her.

I crash into James's chest.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's wrong?" He asks.

I try to catch my breath.

"Rose-Rosemary-I saw Rosemarybut-but-thenshe- She disappeared." I gasp for breaths in between words.

He looks at me confused.

"Are you high?!"

"So, she just...Disappeared?"


"You could've had a hallucination." James suggests.

"I don't know...maybe."

We both sit down at the edge of the cornfield on the pavement lining the road.

He tries to click on the watch and get it working again.


We've been here 3 days now.

I see a figure, not too far from us, riding a bike, with a baby in the basket.


I grab James's wrist and dive back into the cornfield.

I hide until he passes.

"Was that-"

I nod my head at James.


His book manipulator beeps an annoying beep, three times.

"Oh! Good." he says.


"My book manipulator wasn't broke, it was updating!" He explains.

I stare him dry into the eye.

"Well, is it working now?" I ask with a bit of attitude.

He smiles.

"It should!"


His smile breaks, and he types in our destination.


"Well, that only took forever." I say.

"No, it didn't!" He says back, playing with his watch.

"Claire?! How long have I been gone?" I call out.

"She comes in the room, looks down at her watch, and says,

"'Bout 20 minutes."

She smiles, and then leaves.

James's mouth is in a straight line, with big eyes.

I look at him, waiting for an explanation.

But, he's a boy. I'm going to have to spell it out for him.


"Oh! Right. Um, well, time passes faster in some books, I don't know why. Let me think... Do you watch Doctor Who?" He asks.

I nod.

"Well, it's.... Timey Wimey stuff." he says in terms I'll understand.

"Oh. Cool."

I leave it at that.

he helps me around the shop for the rest of the

workday, and when the clock strikes 4, I head home.

"Bye James!"

He waves goodbye.

I wonder what book we'll do tomorrow.

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