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We push the vent that's blocking us, when we enter, it gives light to us, the floor that we're standing on starts elevating, and it turns dark for about ten seconds. The lighting comes on, it's dim, but it's on.

"Hello?"  James calls out.

"Hello." A group of voices reply in unison.

The lights brighten.  There is nobody here. Something triggers my mind to look behind me. Bad idea. James turns around too. Villains and extras, they're formed and seated like an assembly, with a podium in the center. They are the voices of the Hushes.

"James, explain. That's what you're good at doing, so, go ahead. Do it. Please." I say in a brisk whisper.

He begins, “The villains and the extras seemed to have gathered here from all books. It's what they do, apparently, at night; Interesting."

"Okay, how do we get rid of 'em?" I ask. He falls silent. Before he answers, President Snow rises and says in a firm voice,  "Quiet."

James and I obey.

"Who are you and how did you find us?" he continues. James explains that we were in the library that night, and stayed longer than we were supposed to stay, leaving out that he's a Book Jumper.

“They're innocent. They may go. Inject them with Forget

Serum." Snow gives the O.K. that we can leave.

James eyes get bigger. We get seated in chairs and shots are injected into our arms. 

James grabs my arm right after and we run somewhere.

"Is it a bad time to say I've never encountered them before?!

I've only learned about them in school!" James says as we run.



I wake up the next morning, in my bed.

Last night was a blur.

The last thing I remember was James giving me his manipulator in a dark alley, yelling at me to run and go back to my house, and him running off back down the alley, out of sight.

I head to school, it's my first day.

September 5th.


I rush through the day, it's not fun here.

I have no friends here, and everybody is all happy and stuff.

Like dude, it's school, you should be crying.

After school I'll be volunteering at the library for half an hour and working at Brelling's for two hours after that.

When I get to Brelling's, Claire comes up and hugs me.

"How was it?! Any new friends?! Any cute boys?! What's your favorite class?!" All the stereotypical mom questions.

"I don't wanna talk about it, it was boring."

She scrunches her lips to the side.

"Fine. Go get the paper."

I obey, I have nothing to read, so I read the paper.

I flip to the page where it's everything going on in the world.

Something sticks out.

"BrookLYNN polIce are confused afTer impoSsible case about the murder of JAy MElS at 180 BAKEr Street."

James caught my attention. He hid a message in the story, like Taylor Swift does in her lyrics.

The message reads:


Then he leaves an address:


What a clever boy.

I don't live in Brooklyn, which he misspelled, but there is an 18 Bake Street nearby.


When I arrive, I go inside the building and wait in the lobby. I read a book on wattpad while I wait.

Then I hear the bell on the door ring, to signal somebody has entered. It's James, I think.

"James!" I run up to him and hug him tight.

"I thought- I thought I lost you last night!" I continue.

He has his eyes covered up with a hat, and it's chilly out, so he wears a scarf.

I try to lift up his hat, but he pushes my hand away. 

"Do you remember last night?" a deep voice, which doesn't belong to James, asks.

"Um- No. Not all of it. Where's James?" I answer.

"Good. I can take you to him." he responds.

Before I can say another word, I'm led to an alley.

He blindfolds me, puts cloth in my mouth, grabs my hands, ties them together,  and tosses me in a car trunk, I believe.

I'm being kidnapped.


Authors Note


Hey guys!

Sorry this chapter was short and slow/fast! (If that makes sense.)

So did you guys like it?;D

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Love you,


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