Weak Weeks

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I haven't seen James for a total of three weeks now.

I don't know why.


While I'm shopping for groceries later that night, I get a phone call. Blocked number flashes on the screen. I take a chance and answer it.

"Hello?" the words tremble on my lips. I know exactly who it is. "Hey." a familiar voice flows through the cell phone speaker into my eardrums.

A sweet, sweet voice that I've learned to appreciate so much more and not take it for granted.  The voice is angelic. There I am, in Target, having a breakdown in the makeup aisle at 7:09PM.

"James. Where- Where have you been? Where are you? How come we haven't spoken? What happened?" I cry as I'm trying to exit the store, empty handed.

"I've tried calling you, over and over and over again! You never answer!" I continue sobbing.

"Lynn. Lynn Kels. The Girl Who Jumped," he says.

"Go to your school. Right now. Meet me on the blacktop." He continues.

I go to the blacktop, as instructed, and as I get closer, I see a figure playing basketball. "James." I whisper as I rush to hug him, with a tear stained face. He pulls me in closer. "Hi." he starts.

"I'm sorry. I've been very busy. Very, very, very busy." he continues, sniffing up and holding back the tears.

"Where?" I ask.

"I can't exactly tell you, it's just that this could possibly be one of the last times you see me for a while. I have two days then I head back." he answers. "Where?" I ask again.  "Lynn, I can't tell you. I really can't. I'm sorry."

I push him away. Why won't he tell me?

"Lynn- wait!..." he says some other stuff, but I don't listen.

I've already started running back to my house.


On my way back, it's started raining, kind of like it does in those cheesy romance stories when something terrible happens.

It's a good thing this isn't a cheesy romance story. When I enter the house, which I haven't been in for two days (I was sleeping over at Brelling's, Claire needed someone to watch the shop at night.  She was getting suspicious.), I find a lot has changed.

There's a sticky note on the counter that explains my aunt has gone two states over to see my uncle she divorced three years ago. Who knows why? She does weird stuff sometimes.

Anyway, I take care of myself for the evening.

Mainly it's just listening to sad songs for the rest of the night.

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