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I've known James for a month now, we've been jumping in and out of books, fixing them, hiding behind the scenes, having adventures of our own in the fictional worlds.

He's become one of my best friends.


As I head down to the store, I see a "Sorry, We're Closed Today" sign on the door.

I call Claire to see what's up.

"Hey Lynn, I know what you're going to say; I closed because I'm out of town. I forgot to tell you on Friday, sorry, sweetie! I have to go, bye! Have a good Monday!" she explains.

All I say is "Good Monday's DON'T EXIST!"

She laughs, and we hang up. I text James what's happening, he says:

J: Hey, I know. I asked Claire earlier this morning via text. Can we go to the library and do it?

Me: Sure.

About twenty minutes later, we can be found in the YA fiction section library. We decide on a book called Legend by Marie Lu.

It's about a prodigy teenage girl spy and one of the most wanted criminals (teenage) fall in love and crap.

The spy(named June Iparis) tries to capture the criminal(named Day/Daniel Wing),  but then you know, hormones take over and they fall in love.

But it isn't entirely about love, it's mostly action. It's a pretty awesome book.

If you haven't noticed, I'm terrible at summaries.

Just read the book.

James flips to a page and we jump in. We're in the crowd for the street fight where Tess gets pushed into the arena with June.

We watch for a bit, until James's manipulator beeps,

"Two minutes." he says quietly.


"Two minutes until the library closes, we got to get going." he explains.

"But-when we jumped into here, about fifteen minutes ago, it was 9:50am! How can it be six in the evening already?!"

"As I said a couple weeks ago in The Giver, timey-wimey. Some books' time passes quicker, and some pass slower. I can't explain it. Now we've got to go. It's been four minutes." he says.


When we head back to the library, it's empty. I check my watch.


It's completely silent, except for James' slamming the book shut. "Terrific. This is absolutely terrific. I'm going home." I say to James.

It echoes, but I hear whispers say it back.

"Jame-" I'm about to ask what that was.

He cuts me off by shushing me.

"Hello?" he shouts.

Whispers creep back.

"No, no, no, no, no! Just-No! I-uh-Um- Lynn we need to get out of here now."

"Why?" I ask.

We back slowly and carefully into an elevator.

He presses the main floor button.

He begins.

"Hushes. Monsters. Kind of.

They're the extras in books. The people that just stand in the back while the main characters have amazing adventures.

Combined with the villains. They're jealous. Jealous of the main characters. The Hushes only come out at night, when the library and bookshops are completely empty. When the book is purchased or being checked out, that's different.

Hushes look like big, black, slimey, globs that are in the shape of a human. They have neon green eyes. The eyes of jealousy. They creep around, looking for bait to feed off of.  People they think are worthy of having amazing adventures. Then, that person gets erased from real life, all memory of them-Gone. They become a character in a book, with an interesting back story.

They honestly, are literally the nicest and meanest creatures ever."

"How are they nice?" I ask.

"Well, who doesn't want to be a fictional character?"

As the doors open, Hushes start coming towards us at every angle.

The only escape is the front door, which, conveniently, is blocked.


We're just standing there, while the Hushes start creeping closer and closer.

James grabs my hand and we jump over the check-out counter and into a gigantic vent behind a cart of books.

We start crawling through, only to find the vent slowly expands into a cave, a long cave; Of course, we walk through.

There are multiple paths, we take the one with light visible towards the end.

James and I decide on the way there, it's outside.

And with a life like mine, it turns out it isn't.

To be continued...

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