The Last Time.

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I head to Brelling's the next day, listening to The Last Time by Taylor Swift, on my iPod.

As I'm walking up, I see James sitting on the brick wall outside.

"Hey!" he greets me.

"Bye!" I say, sniffing up the cold I have.  I unlock the store and go inside, and he follows. "Go away." I say.


I give him the vacuum and tell him to vacuum the floors.

Basically that's him until 3:00PM, doing chores for me.


When James and I exit the store later that day he pulls me aside.

"Listen, I know you're angry. But you've got it all wrong." He says.

This is the Last Time you tell me I've got it wrong. The song lyric pops into my mind.

"No." I say.

"No? What do you mean 'No' ?"

"No. I can't. I can't do it anymore. I can't." I say, looking away.

"Do what?"

I take a long, deep breath, and sigh.

"Jump. I can't Jump anymore, James. My aunt left me for who knows how long, I've got two internships that I can't keep up with, and my grades are starting to sink in some of my subjects in school. James, my life is way too busy to Jump right now. I can't anymore. I'm sorry.

When I met you, I thought I was dreaming. You have my dream job, but it turns out, you don't. While all those characters are real, I prefer them fictional. They're more amazing and breathtaking to me that way. They were created using imagination, human creativity, but now you've made them real, it's a bit scary. Writers are writing about real things, and classifying them as fiction.

James, you've showed me so many amazing things.

Fictional worlds are so much more frightening, so much more confusing, so much more complicated, and so much better.

I wish, I really do, that I could do this forever with you, but I can't. I'm sorry. I really am. Goodbye, James. I hope you have a good life." I say.

I start to turn away, but he grabs my wrist. "Lynn, before you leave, there's something I have to do. I apologize in advance. I'm sorry."

Purple waves come out from my wrist as he touches it.

He starts crying.

"I really thought I could keep one. You're the fifth one I've had to do this to."

"What- What are you doing?" I'm starting to feel a bit dizzy.

"I have to remove all memory of me from your life and everybody in your life that knows about me. Like when the tenth Doctor did it to Donna. I am so sorry, Lynn. I have too."

"No-James-Please--" I gasp.

In about ten seconds everything is black.


I wake up the next morning, and I only have memory of my boring, geeky life.

I call up Claire, and leave a message.

"Hey, Claire, it's Lynn. I'm not coming into the store today, I've got a really heavy migraine. Alright, bye."

I then hang up and fall back asleep.

I just hang around the house for a while, then I go out and get some fresh air, which might help, considering all of do is sniff new books. I'm such a bookworm, and quite frankly, I don't care.

This is me. Lynn Kels.

Your average girl.

Back to my same routine.

Back to volunteering almost every day. Back to my normal life. Back to average. Back to life.

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