Chapter Twenty: Pool of Tears

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The journey to meet Ra'liel and Sa'leid had been an interesting one. Katerin had dragged herself from the inn, barely coherent, to meet Graiden—who seemed oddly cheerful. He wore a fine metal armor and carried a spear with three metal rings that clinked slightly as he walked. And still, the heavy mantle covered his shoulders, bearing the symbols of his rank and importance, shrouding his fine and polished—yet scratched—armor.

They made excellent time through the twisting forest trails and met Ra'liel and Sa'leid early, which only made Katerin sigh at the thought of the hours of sleep she had lost.

Graiden was hesitant around the two Uhma'zarhins at first, his stern visage never breaking. They were also wary of him, but after a night of camping together and the following days they traveled, that faded away. Graiden had a dry sense of humor, but he let it out every so often, breaking his serious exterior on occasion to make jokes at Fykes' expense. The Uhma'zarhins let go of their skeptical nature and spoke with him often, even if it was only on subjects of little importance.

They traveled across the forests to the outer edge of the small mountain range. They turned up and into the mountains much earlier than they would if they were to travel to Ky'lei'mei, and followed a rocky pass all the way to the peaks. There they found a surprising sight. The peaks of the mountain surrounded them, and before them lay a flat plateau of stone, with a number of pools shimmering across it. A cold wind blew across the peaks, strangely not blocked by the mountainous walls; a refreshing feeling that battled the fatigue of the strenuous journey. The water was a strange color, not pale blue or clear crystal, but instead a deep ocean blue, and every pool had a distinct teardrop shape.

It was a stunning sight, and certainly not one that many had ever seen, hidden away as it was.

Ra'liel smiled to them as they took it all in. "Ali'damia's Tears," she said, with a fair amount of pride in her voice.

Katerin's mouth hung open, and Fykes let out a low whistle as he moved up beside her. He had charcoal smudges on his face, but his sketchbook was held forgotten in his hands. Arjiah smiled, looking dreamily at the water, as though she wanted nothing more than to fall into it and live the rest of her life up here.

 Arjiah smiled, looking dreamily at the water, as though she wanted nothing more than to fall into it and live the rest of her life up here

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Graiden kept his composure and looked across the mountain, with a hint of a smile found on his features. He could feel how important this place was—how serene and hallowed it was to these people. He watched as a number of people crested the mountain on the other side. Four men, their skin ranging from tanned copper to ebony, walked protectively around a tall, golden-haired woman. She wore surprisingly revealing clothes that made him uncertain where he might look to avoid causing her any offense.

Avris walked with grace and dignity, chin held high. Uhma'zarhins walked around her, much like a procession. Two large guards walked just behind on her either side. She stopped only a few paces away from Graiden and inclined her head. "Thank you for meeting us here," she said, her soft voice resonating.

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