Chapter 1

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A/n before we start this is my first loki fanfic so the first few chapters won't be very long but are fairly important and sorry for any spellings I get wrong . Also I don't own any marvel characters all rights goes to them


Chapter 1

Loki's POV

"It's time brother" brother how dare he call me his brother , he is not my brother !!! Not now not ever especially as he has locked me up for so many years without a single visit . 2 guards walked in and handcuffed me while holding chains . They lead me out of my cell and into the hallway where ever single creature stared at me with disgust and some with a smirk . I already knew I was going to my death . The alfather would love the opportunity to kill me and now he has one .

I walked to the throne room while hearing gasps and small comments and some people even ran away from me . I liked it though , having the power to make people run , scream "no you don't " Small voices tell me things like this all the time Iv learnt to block them out but what's the point when your going to die anyway .

Walking in , the alfather stares at me with disgust from his throne . "Loki laufeyson , your crimes against Midgard are worthy of death , and that is the punishment you shall get " I was quickly pushed to my knees as a man walked closer " normal execution is done by axe but we have decided on something less sudden and more painful ". Trying to look up I spotted a needle in the mans hand , death vaccine . " He will need to take off his armour for the needle to go in my king " "then so be it " . They quickly removed my top armour and settled me on my knees again . Odin nodded .

Mans POV

I slowly brought the vaccine closer to the prisoner but just before the needle could touch him he whispered something "what di- " a cloud of green smoke emerged and disappeared leaving no trace of loki . "FIND HIM NOW , GET THE GUARDS , search the whole 9 realms for him !!" Odin commanded .

~ an hour later ~

Thor's POV

" I come with bad news father , we cannot locate him not even heimdal can see him" there was a short pause " then go , go searching I do not trust the rest " I stood there in shock " you expect me to find him ! We have an army who could help and you expect me to find him ! What makes you think I will come back alive ! " "LAST TIME I TRUSTED SOMEONE I LOST MY EYE , as my son I trust you , it may take sometime but he can't hide forever . You will find him but others might to , he is dangering Asgard once again so the sooner the better "

" I will go father " with that I walked out the throne room . Loki when are you going to stop playing your games


A/n I know it's short don't hate meh . Sorry it's got very good but it will get better once it gets more into the story

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