Number 13

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Number 1 had the bag on her back, smashing skulls in with her hammer. Evelyn and Daniel stood back to back, fighting off the enemy together.

I stood beside Number 1, I had just kicked one on the ground, and used the end of my shovel to cut his forehead open. Blood poured out like spilled wine. The stench filled my nose, and with every breath, came another gag from the dead flesh.

We had worked our way close to the door, but just beyond reach, no more zombies were coming from inside, but I knew there were more. I turned my head to see Number 1 pull the sharp end of her hammer out of a young girl's eye. Tears rolling down her cheeks. Number 1 stepped back, astonished from the child's emotion. Walking into a zombie, who pulled down on the bag, making Number 1 crash to the ground.

"Number 1!" Evelyn yelled.

"Alex has it! Don't move from that spot!" Daniel lectured.

I ran over to Number 1, she had already killed the one that had pulled her, but she needed backup while getting back to her feet. She stood up after I had pushed one back, knocking down four more standing in front of the door.

"Force your way to the door! It's now or never!" I pulled Number 1 with me, we fought the remaining ones who I had knocked down, while Evelyn and Daniel killed the ones surrounding the door.

Evelyn and Daniel jumped over the railings on the sides running inside. Number 1 and I backed up into the house, fighting them off as we went. We barely got inside, before another wave came running through the hole.

As we shut the door, Evelyn and Daniel pushed a television set on it to keep them from coming inside. That's when they started banging on the door, and on the walls.

"Move up!" I yelled. We saw the stairs, and went for them, no zombies insight, though the house was dark, we could barely see our feet running up the steps. Evelyn and Daniel were the first ones to get up, immediately checking the area.

"Find a room, with a lock." I told them, "But leave the closed doors shut."

We ran into what appeared to be the master bedroom, Evelyn and Daniel checked under the bed, while Number 1 shut and locked the door. The bathroom door was shut, so I swung it open, but nothing attacked, so Daniel and I checked inside. Grabbing tylenol, bandages, and other things like that that could help.

The windows weren't boarded up, and there was the house that we came from in reach with just a stretch of the arm. "We didn't get any food." Daniel complained, sitting against a wall.

Evelyn opened up the closet, and checked inside, "Hey." She walked back out carrying a cooler.

"Is there anything in it?" Daniel stood up, with an expression of a child on christmas.

"I don't know, but it's heavy." She set the cooler on the table. She waited a few minutes, building the suspense in the room. Daniel getting more and more anxious.

Evelyn put her hands on the lid of the cooler, she slid them down to the sides, and slowly opened up the lid. A gust of rotten flesh and mold came gushing out. We all stepped back, and gagged. Evelyn peeked inside before running to the corner and hurling.

Daniel was standing as far from the cooler as possible. Number 1 was standing against the window, with her hand over her nose. I stepped forward, and it felt like another wave of the stench came flowing out, but I continued forward, and peeked inside.

It was full of rotten meats, body parts, rotten moldy meat, and spoiled milk. I slammed the lid shut and ran to the window, breathing in fresh air. I looked down and saw a lot of them, at least 20, just shuffling around. I turned around, and Evelyn was moving the cooler back into the closet.

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