XLII: Quarante-Deux

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"Hey. . ." Seokmin said, and it was the very first word he said as soon as the video started.

There was a short pause, then he cracked up laughing. Jisoo smiled at started the screen, his ears focusing on his beautiful and sweet laughter.

"Oh, God, this is embarrassing," Seokmin whispered as he cupped his face, and slapped his cheeks softly.

He cleared his throat, willing himself to be more serious, but then his lips tore to a wide smile.

Jisoo melted as Seokmin wore that same smile and looked directly to the camera; there Jisoo felt like Seokmin was staring square into him.

His smile was so radiating, so shining like it always does. It was so genuine, so precious that Jisoo doesn't want that smile to slip away from his memory.

He wants to keep that sight tattooed in his mind, afraid that he might miss even one single detail that makes it so wonderful.

"Hi, love," Seokmin said, and pursed his lips as he forced not to laugh again.

Jisoo chuckled, but then the tears had started building up in the corners of his eyes again. "Hi. . ." he replied as if Seokmin could hear him.

"Before anything else, please don't ever try to cry. . . and do not talk about this in front of me, this is so humiliating. . . and please, don't cringe. . ." He said.

Jisoo smiled, tears streaming down his face. Too bad that Jisoo had already teared since the first seconds of the video.

"I don't really know where I should start. I have a lot of words to say to you, some of them are sent through our talks, some were through letters, but most were through our kisses, our hugs, our touches, our smiles, even our stares," Seokmin said, and again, smiled.

He dropped his head, and smiled to himself. Jisoo smiled, seeing how cute his Seokmin looked at that.

"I. . . am so happy that I met you, Jisoo," Seokmin said and looked at the camera again. "And I know there was never a moment that I failed to tell and show you that. Every moment we had together was the best ones I had my entire life. I treasure each and every second of it. I try to memorize everything about it, afraid that I may not bring all of those to where I'd possibly go."

Then Seokmin's smile faded. . . it became fainter. . . weaker.

"I have always wondered if you feel the same way. . . but I know I made you happy, Jisoo, if not always then at least once for all the times we spent together," he added. "But then I remembered all those tears you shed because of me. . . all those frowns because you were so done of me. I'm sorry about all those, Jisoo."

Seokmin heaved a deep sigh, and cleared his throat once again.

"I'm sorry I am not able to make you as happy as I am with you. I'm sorry for all the same sorrys and all the other sorrys. . ." Seokmin paused. "You know I am thankful for you, right?"

Jisoo nodded, trying to hold back the sobs that were begging to be out from his mouth.

"From the very first day we met in Paris, to this very time, all I could think of is how fortunate I have been to have you. Could you ever imagine, in the thousands of people with us in Paris, it was you who I was brought to? It was you. . . you were my escape," Seokmin chuckled, and suddenly, with that, the room seemed to have lighten up.

Jisoo smiled as Seokmin beamed, and Jisoo couldn't miss how his eyes formed a beautiful crescent, and how his cheeks turned puffier. Jisoo ached to see it again. . .

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