Chapter 3

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Luke sat his backpack down with a thud in the kitchen and ran upstairs to charge his phone. It was 4:21, Luke would leave in 9 minutes. After he plugged his phone in, he ran back downstairs to eat something real quick.
"Why in such a rush?" His Mom asked, sitting on the couch in the living room.
"I'm just gonna go get the mail." He ate quickly, shoving large amounts of cereal in his mouth. When he was done he rinsed out his bowl and set it in the sink, looking at the time. It was 4:26. Luke sat down. What could he do in four minutes? He glanced at his backpack but shook his head, he couldn't finish much homework in that amount of time. Luke sat still for a minute, then got up impatiently. He ran upstairs to get his phone and left with an
"I'll be back... sometime." Luke walked swiftly down the sidewalk. Small worries popped up in his head like
"What if she's not there yet? What if she is there? Well it has to be either one of those... but what if I'm weird???" Luke continued down the sidewalk and crossed the street. He looked out toward the mailbox and saw Ryan sitting to one side of it, leaning against it. She looked up as he came closer, his feet ruffling the grass. She was wearing a black, oversized Motionless in White hoodie, the hood up. She wore jeans as usual and a purple beanie under the hood.
"Hey. Sorry if I kept you waiting. How long have you been here?" Ryan got up. She glanced briefly at Luke's tank top and looked away.
"Oh not long it's fine." She still didn't answer his question.
"So whats up? Do you want to go somewhere or..."
"I guess we could just walk or something." She started walking and he followed her.
"So um." Luke tried to start a conversation but he couldn't think of anything. Ryan didn't say anything either. The day was peaceful. The grass swayed gently along with branches and leaves. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a calm light over Luke and Ryan.
"So... are you from here?" Luke tried again.
"Yea." Is all Ryan responded with. They reached the end of the street and turned a corner.
"I moved here a few years ago." Luke offered. Ryan nodded but kept silent.
"I like your hoodie by the way."
"Thanks." Luke himself was only wearing an Asking Alexandria tank top. There was a slight breeze but nothing to wear a hoodie for.
"What's your favorite song?" He asked.
"Devil's night."
"Nice. I know this is gonna make me sound like a 'fake fan' but mine's Immaculate Misconception. My second favorite is Abigail. And We Only Come Out At Night after that." Luke rambled on but Ryan still said nothing. Luke was a bit confused and a bit concerned but soon fell silent. They took a few more turns. Luke looked  at his watch. It was now 4:45. The two still continued on in silence. Eventually they arrived at a park. Kids yelled and played around on a play structure in the distance while their parents sat down, watching. A few teenagers were vaping even farther away. Closest to them was a huge grass field with benches spread out around it. A bing sounded from Luke's pocket. He pulled out his phone and saw a text from Matt. There was a huge paragraph before him.
"I don't know what's up with u but ur acting really weird. So we're not in kinder garden anymore whatever. Bull shit dude. I don't care if u weren't going to sit with us but u could at least tell me??? I don't know what's up with u but if ur gonna start ignoring me at least talk to me about it. Tell me first. Why aren't u talking to me??? Idk what's up with u..."
The same points were repeated over and over again. Luke turned his phone off and put it back in his pocket, ignoring the text. Luke looked back up. They were beside the field now, feet away from a wooden bench.
"Do you want to sit?" He asked.
"Ok." They sat down and Luke sat so he wasn't too far or too close to Ryan. He looked over at her. She was hunched over, hugging herself and staring at the ground as her hair fell in her face. Luke looked away and back at her again.
"You ok?" She didn't answer. Luke looked away again. He wasn't sure what to do. He knew she wasn't. He moved ever so slightly closer. Ryan didn't notice, if she did she didn't react.
"I don't know if you want to talk to me but you can if you want." Ryan scarcely shook her head. Luke paused. He moved his hand slightly closer. And closer. Their pinkies were barely touching. Luke hesitantly placed his hand on Ryan's. Ryan flinched and Luke pulled his hand away.
"I'm sorry..."
"No it's... it's fine" Ryan stood up. 
"I should've ha..."
"Luke it's fine." There was an awkward silence.
"Shit. What time is it?" She questioned. Luke quickly looked at his watch.
"Oh. I have to go." Luke nodded. They started to walk back the way they came. Ryan stared at the ground in front of her, her hands in the pockets of her hoodie. Luke looked away from her. They walked the rest of the way back in silence. Luke kept his distance and Ryan strode at an even pace. Soon they arrived back at the mailbox. They both stopped.
"Do you want me to walk you back?" Luke asked.
"It's a bit far from here you don't have to." Luke would have asked if she was sure but instead he nodded. Neither of them moved. Luke began to walk back in the direction of his house when Ryan stopped him.
"Wait. Luke." He turned around.
"See you tomorrow...?" She looked him in the eyes for it seemed the first time. Luke stared back, his eyes wide and mouth open slightly.
"Yea. Yea ok." He smiled and she smiled back. He waved as she turned around and began to walk. He stared at the back of her hoodie for a few seconds before turning back around himself.
"Strange." He mumbled to himself. She really was a strange person.

Mailboxes and Park Benches ~A Ftm story~Where stories live. Discover now