Chapter 15

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Luke adjusted his tie and stared at his reflection. The dance started at 6:00 and ended at 10:00. It was currently 5:50. Luke wasn't entirely sure he could pull this off.
"What else? Right. Shoes." He mumbled to himself and walked back into his room. He opened his closet door. He stared at his shoe selection. A pair of converse and hiking boots. Luke frowned.
"Well fuck." He slipped on the converse.
"At least it's comfy. Meh. Whatever. It's just shoes." He walked back into the bathroom and stared at his face. His mom would say his hair was messy but that was fine. He was ok with that.
"Luke! Are you coming?" His mom called from downstairs. He had awkwardly been able to ask her to give them a ride. She had obsessed over it more then Luke would have preferred but he wasn't surprised at all.
"Yea! I'll be down in a sec." he called back and grabbed his phone, wallet, and keys. Luke turned off the lights and closed the door as he left his room. He ran down stairs.
"You ready?" His Mom asked.
"Aww my boy is all grown up."
"Ok mom." Luke said drily as he opened the door to the garage and got into the car. His mom got in too and backed out of the driveway and down the road.
"So I was right."
"She is your girlfriend."
"Wh.. no I... mom!" Luke could feel his face going red.
"Aww your blushing. You must really like her."
"No it's because I'm mad!" Luke yelled. The car stopped and Luke got out.
"Go get your women!" His mom called out the window. He glared at her as he walked up to the house. He knocked and waited. In a few seconds the door opened. Before him stood Ryan. His Ryan. She was also wearing a black suit with a red tie but her arms were covered in bracelets (including the ones Luke got for her) and the necklace he got her to. She was also wearing converse so Luke felt a bit better about that. Most of her hair was tucked in a blackish-red beanie except for her bangs, which hung in front of her eyes as usual.
"Wow. You look amazing." Luke smiled brightly at her.
"I guess our minds are connected somehow. I mean let's be honest of course we were going to be edgy emo freaks." Ryan spoke confidently.
"Hey can't miss an opportunity like this, can you?" Luke laughed and gave her a hug.
"Do you need a ride home?"
"Well my parents aren't going to be back for awhile but I could just walk if that's too much trouble. School's not far."
"We can give you a ride don't worry. Well. I guess it's time." He looked back at the waiting car, then back at Ryan.
"You ready?"
"Not at all." Luke smiled and held his hand out, directing her to the car. They walked to it and got in. Luke gave his mom a warning glance when he saw her staring at them through the rear view mirror. The drive to the school was awkward as hell. Ryan and Luke didn't know what to talk about with his mom right there but Luke held Ryan's hand which helped them to feel calm and overall less awkward. Finally the car came to a stop next to the school.
"K get out! And don't get into any... trouble." Luke's Mom smirked at them and he sighed.
"Mom. Stop."
"Hey. It's what moms do."
"K byye" he waved, motioning for her to leave.
"Love you!" She called out the window as she drove away. Ryan laughed.
"She's Nice."
"She's annoying." It was now 6:20.
"Well here we are." Luke and Ryan walked up to the building. Couples were scattered around here and there walking toward the school. They went inside and followed the loud sound coming from the gym. The doors were already open and there was a small table outside with a  clean, white cloth draping over  it. A little welcome sign rested upon it. The inside glowed a deep purple. It was decorated with light purple and white streamers everywhere. Tables to the side held snacks and drinks. A Dj was on the other side of the room. It was extremely crowded. They stepped inside. Music was playing very loudly and people were talking, dancing, or doing whatever.
"So... what do you want t..."
"Food." Ryan answered before Luke could finish.
"Same. Ok let's go." They wandered toward the table where all the snacks were. There were cookies, brownies, cheezits, and a bunch of other random snacks. Luke took a chocolate cookie and Ryan took a chocolate chip cookie. They happily ate and watched as people did strange dances.
"Oh my god. Look at that one." Luke pointed to some kid doing some weird dance with his legs.
"Luke!" Luke turned around to see Alex and Chris coming over to them.
"Hey! What's up?"
"We couldn't find dates so we're all coming as friends!" Alex smiled enthusiastically.
"Mood. Anyway where are the others?"
"Haven't found them yet. Hi, Ryan." Chris answered.
"Hey." She took another bite of her cookie.
"What do you even do at these things anyway?" Alex looked around.
"Who knows." Chris said. He and Ryan were wearing what they would usually wear.
"You two didn't really dress up, did you?"
"Meh." They both said in unison. Ryan laughed.
"It wasn't required. So..." Chris shrugged.
"Such rebels." Luke smiled at them and took another bite of his cookie.
"Um... excuse me." Luke looked over at a group of girls standing in front of them.
"Could you please move?"
"Oh. Oh sorry." They didn't realize they were blocking the food so they walked away a few feet away.
"They need better music here." Chris mumbled.
"Right?" Every blurted.
"It's all the same old awful pop junk. This is discrimination!" Luke proclaimed.
"Speaking of music though. I kind of want to see you all dance." Alex stated, grinning maniacally and swinging her legs on the table.
They all turned to look at her, then back at each other.

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