Chapter 16

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"No way in hell will you see me do that ever." Chris said evenly.
"Yea I knew that. But Luke might. And I don't know about Ryan but I think that would be pretty funny to see to."
"Yea no." Luke stared at her.
"If I dance you dance."
"Ok." Luke thought for a second.
"If I dance, Chris dances."
"Oh Common man! Why do you gotta do this to me?"
"Hey it's a one in a life time opportunity."
"Ahh fuck you!"
"One time?" luke laughed and Chris sighed.
"Ok well I'm only dancing if Chris dances."
"And I'm not dancing so problem solved."
"You guys suck." Alex pouted exaggeratedly.
"Ryan, what about you? Will you dance?"
"Oh. Um. I don't dance." She said quickly.
"Please! You don't have to know how to dance. Just dance."
"Um... no..."
"This is pure pressure."
"Ryan you have to."
"Only if Luke dances." Alex looked at Luke who clarified
"Only if Chris dances."
"Why is all this pressure being put on ME?!" Chris shouted desperately.
"My question is why do you want to see us dance?" Luke questioned.
"Cause it's funny."
"Ok you know what fine. I'll dance." Luke stood up.
"But you owe me something."
"Fuck!" Alex yelled in the same enthusiastic voice.
"Name your price." He thought for a second and then said
"Buy me stuff at Hot Topic."
"Fine." She sighed. Luke walked over to the dance floor. "Just have to blend in..." he whispered to himself. He looked back at his friends who smirked. He flipped them off before beginning to dance. He let the music lead him, take control. He didn't even know what he was doing. But he did it. He continued to dance until the song ended, and he walked back over to his friends. Ashley and James had joined the group.
"Wow, Luke. You've got moves." Ashley teased.
"No yea. That was hot." Ryan told him and he could feel his face go red.
"Oh shut up. Alex made me." He turned to Alex.
"You owe me."
"Yea Yea."
"And Ryan. You said you'd dance if I danced."
Ryan froze.
"Did I...?"
"Yes!" Luke, Chris, and Alex all said at once.
"You said you would!" Alex complained. Ryan looked at each one of them in turn, then back at the group of people dancing.
"I really don't want to." Ryan looked down and hugged herself.
"Guys She doesn't have to if she doesn't want." James stepped in.
"Ok." Alex gave in easier then Ryan thought she would.
"So what do you want to do now?"

Eventually Victor arrived and they all walked around together. They talked and ate and watched people dance for a long while. They chased each other around and at some points went off doing their own things separate. They were having a good time hanging out and having fun. However Luke hadn't seen Matt the entire time. It was on the back of his mind the whole time but he brushed it off. Maybe he didn't come. But then why would he get a suit? Did he have a last minute fight with whoever he was going with? Did he have a date but they were going somewhere else instead of the dance? Were they at the dance and just doing a spectacular job at avoiding Luke? Luke had no idea. Luke and the others sat outside on a round table a bit far from the entrance to the school. Ashley was smoking. It was 9:30 and dark. They all stared at the moon.
"I love you guys." Luke told them.
"We know." Ashley put simply.
"Still can't believe it's the middle of the year. Everything is going by so quickly."
"Too quickly." Alex agreed.
"Anyone want to hang over break?" Chris offered.
"Nah. Y'all are losers." Ashley replied jokingly. That meant yes.
"Has anyone seen Matt?" Luke tried.
"I haven't."
"No." Ryan kept silent.
"I wonder where he is." They were all silent now.
"You guys know more then I do, don't you." Still silence. Luke paused.
"Is there something he wants me to know?"
"Hey look!" Victor said suddenly. He was pointing to the entrance. The lights had dimmed.
"I think I know what's happening." He said quietly.
"Same. Ryan. Luke." They looked up at Ashley.
"Go inside, love birds." Ryan and Luke looked at each other and without another word, obeyed. They stood up and walked inside the building. Inside the gym is was very dark, except for a few lights, giving the room a gentle purple glow. Soft music was playing and people were slow dancing with each other. Luke bit his lip as they blended in with the crowd.
"Well um." Luke looked at his converse and Ryan waited for him to continue. He looked back up and help out his hand.
"Care to dance?" She stared at it. Then slowly, she lifted her hand and took his. And just like that everything and everyone around them washed away and it was just them. Luke stared into Ryan's eyes. They were full of something Luke couldn't describe. A kind of wonder, a spark of something amazing. And those magnificent eyes were staring into his. Her mouth was open slightly, curving up in a smile. Luke could feel a smile on his own face, impossible to fight.  His arm was around her waist and hers was around his shoulder, while their other hands intertwined with each other. Luke wasn't entirely sure if any of this was real. It didn't seem possible. But here he was. Staring at the person he adored so much, dancing with her, being with her so close. Luke felt as if they were flying. Flying so close and flying together away into the dark purple night. Luke untangled his hand from hers and slowly moved it to her cheek. She set her free hand around his other shoulder. Luke felt his eyes flick down for a split second, then back up to her eyes. She noticed. Slowly Luke moved closer to her. She didn't move. Their lips were so close, he could feel Ryan's breath on his lips. And then... everything fell down as Ryan pushed Luke back. He stepped back, stunned. He could suddenly hear and see everything around them. Whatever spell they were in had been broken. Luke looked at Ryan who was standing, staring at the floor.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
"No. It's... it's not that... I just-I gotta go. I'm sorry."
"Wait, Ryan!" Luke put his hand out, urging for her to stay as she ran out of the room.

Mailboxes and Park Benches ~A Ftm story~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin