Chapter 21

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Ryan and Luke were munching on cereal when they heard a knock on the door. Luke's mom went to open it.
"We want our child back." Ryan froze when he heard his mom's voice from the door. Luke looked at Ryan. Ryan shook his head quickly.
"You've gotta go."
"I can't."
"You have to. Legally."
"No no no..."
"You have to face this, Ryan. You've got this." Luke kissed him quickly.
"Text me, ok?"
"I can't go."
"Common." Luke stood up and helped Ryan stand.
"I'm here for you." They walked to the door and  Ryan's Mom noticed him.
"Ryan." Ryan, Luke, and his mom all corrected in unison. Ryan's mom frowned but didn't protest it.
"I just want you to be comfortable in your body." She said desperately.
"If you really cared you would help me to be able to be comfortable in my body instead of just saying 'love yourself' and hoping it will fix everything. It's like if you tell someone with depression to just be happy. 'Oh wow! Thank you so much! Now thanks to your two words, I all of a sudden just feel better. My mental health is suddenly just fixed! My depression is gone! Thank you!'" Ryan glared at his mom.
"Please..." she opened her arms in a request for a hug but Ryan shoved past her, heading toward the car. She glanced back at Luke and his mom sadly, as if begging for help but they simply glared at her.
"Your a great parent." Luke's Mom hissed sarcastically and slammed the door.

Break seemed to go by slower then Luke wanted. He texted Ryan as much as he could and they met by the mailbox as much as they could and they walked to the park and sat at the bench as much as they could. Their bench. Ryan's parents wanted to be a part of Ryan's life so they told Ryan they excepted him for being trans but they were still hesitant to being ok with Ryan changing his body.
"That's the whole point of me being trans. I'm trans because this isn't the right body. I'm supposed to be a boy."
"You can be a boy and have a female body can't you? Because your body doesn't decide your gender?"
"I feel dysphoria toward it! It's not a matter of whether I can or can't it's a matter of what I feel. Just because something can be one way doesn't mean it is."
"So can you be a boy and be ok with having a female body?"
"That doesn't matter because that's not how I feel."
"I just want to understand!"
"So ask someone who feels that way to explain." Ryan avoided his parents as much as he could and usually kept an angry silence around them. He tried explaining many times how he felt but they couldn't seem to understand. A few times he explained what T and top surgery was but his parents did not seem fond of the idea at all. Ashley told the others about Ryan and they were all very chill about it. At one point they were all able to get together and hang out. They went to get coffee together and chatted about life and school and anything. Luke was looking into websites that sold binders. On one particularly awkward evening, Luke helped to get Ryan's measurements. Some evenings were romantic while others Luke and Ryan rocked out to My Chemical Romance and Motionless In White. Each day passed and eventually break was almost over. It was Sunday, the day before school.
"Want to come over?" Luke texted Ryan.
"It's not even a question. Your coming over." He added before he could text back.
"Lol ok." Was all Ryan said.
"Mailbox? Right now?"
"Yea" Luke set his phone down and walked downstairs. He poured a few chocolate chips into his mouth before going back upstairs to get his phone.
"I'm gonna go get Ryan. I'll be back in a sec." He called to his mom.
"I'm excited!" She called back and Luke closed the door. He walked down the sidewalk. He could feel his heart thudding in his chest. He couldn't help but smile. When he got to the mailbox, Ryan was there.
"Beat you here." He smiled. Luke smiled back.
"Well shucks." Luke answered sarcastically and they began to walk back to Luke's house. Luke tried as hard as he could not to get all bubbly and excited. It was hard suppressing huge smiles.
"Ryan?" Luke's Mom called as they opened the door.
"Hi." He called back.
"Hi! Welcome back! Do you want anything to eat? Come sit down." Ryan looked confusedly at Luke who shrugged and they walked over to the kitchen, where Luke's Mom was standing.  Ryan sat down.
"Oh! You know. I think I have something for you." Luke grinned at Ryan before rushing upstairs. He grabbed a wrapped box from his room and carried it back downstairs.
"Here. I believe this is yours." He handed it to Ryan who took it in both hands curiously.
"What's this?"
"Open it." Ryan looked up at Luke and back down at the box. He then ripped the wrapping off and opened the box.
"Oh my g..." Ryan put his hands over his mouth and Luke and his mom smiled.
"It's here?!" Ryan reached inside the box and pulled out a binder.
"It's all yours." Luke couldn't help but grin as Ryan's face went red and he stared at the binder right in front of him. HIS binder.
"I can't believe it..." Ryan chocked out, stunned.
"Well put it on!" Luke punched his shoulder playfully.
"Right! Of course!" Ryan ran excitedly to the bathroom. Luke and his mom smiled at each other as they waited for Ryan. They heard a door open and Ryan came back, puffing out his chest.
"It's... so flat..." he whispered. Tears of joy were rolling down his face.
"Aww baby!" Luke ran and hugged him and Ryan hugged him bag, all smiles.
"Thank you thank you thank you."
"Of course. Anything for my handsome boyfriend. Just be careful ok?"
"I know. Ahh this is the best day ever!"
"That's not it."
"What?" Luke passed the box to Ryan.
"There's more?" He reached inside the box and pulled out two slips of paper. He stared at them in shock.
"You didn't!"
"I did."
"Ahhh thank you, Luke!" Ryan hugged Luke again.
"I've never been to a concert before!"
"Well your first one will be Motionless In White, then."

Mailboxes and Park Benches ~A Ftm story~Where stories live. Discover now