Chapter 20

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Luke caught up to Ryan, who was sniffling and wiping tears from his cheeks.
"Ryan! Hey. Listen." He took his arms and shook him.
"Look at me." Luke stared into Ryan's eyes, who looked up at him sheepishly.
"Don't listen to them. Your a boy. Your a handsome, smart, amazing boy. And they're just ignorant asswholes. They aren't worth your time, ok? You made amazing points. And you're right. Ok? They'll come around eventually. But for now just hold on? Ok?" Ryan buried his face in Luke's shirt.
"Thank you. Thank you for everything." He mumbled.
"I'll always be here for you, ok? You just have to hold on. Let's get you back to my house, ok?" Ryan nodded and sniffed, wiping his eyes.
"Ok." They walked slowly back to his house, giving Ryan time to wipe the tears from his face. He took deep breaths the whole walk and Luke kept his arm around his shoulder. They could barely see anything in the tar like darkness. The stars and moon were barely enough. They eventually reached Luke's house and this time it was Luke opening the door to a raging mother.
"Luke! Where the hell were y... oh. Hi, Ryan." She rushed over to the door and stopped when she noticed Ryan. She glanced awkwardly at him, then glared at Luke.
"Where were you. You're late and you didn't answer my texts. You better not have done anything..."
"No nothing happened." Luke lied.
"But I'm sorry, mom. I know I should have answered you but um..." Luke turned to Ryan and whispered to him.
"My moms super excepting. She'll help you. Can I tell her?" Ryan nodded.
"Mom. Well um... some stuff actually did happen. No nothing like that!" He added quickly when his mom gave him an angry glance. He took a breath and continued.
"We um... Ryan... uh... well we should sit down."

"You can stay here as long as you want, ok Ryan? I think we have some sleeping bags. I'll be right back." She left Ryan and Luke alone on the couch for a minute.
"See? You can stay here anytime you need to, ok?" Luke rubbed Ryan's back.
"My parents are going to want me to go back though. There's practically no escape. I almost want them to disown me... I just wish school would start up again so I wouldn't have to be at my parents house so much."
"Don't worry. We can hang out as much as you want over break, ok? We'll help you through this." His Mom came back with a plain blue sleeping bag.
"Here you go, Ryan. Do you want anything to eat? No? If you do, Luke will get you anything you need. Where do you want to sleep? Are you just going to sleep in Luke's room?"
"Yea we'll do that. Thanks, mom." Luke took the sleeping bag from his mom and they walked toward the stairs.
"Hey! You boys don't do anything... naughty. Ok?"
"Ok, mom!" Luke rolled his eyes as they walked up the stairs. When they got to his room, Luke closed his door and passed the sleeping bag to Ryan. He laid it down on the floor and sat down on Luke's bed.
"I'm tired but I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep tonight."
"I'll stay up as long as you want." Luke smiled and sat down next to Ryan.
"Damn." Ryan whispered under his breath.
"What's up?"
"Everything. Everything is so fucking complicated. I just don't understand people like my parents. I just don't get it."
"It gets better I promise. Just hang on. You'll get through this."
"Sometimes I'm not so sure of that." Ryan said bitterly, a look of disgust on his face. Luke stared at the floor.
"I don't know how much of this I can take before I go insane. Sometimes I feel like I already have." Ryan shook his head.
"I had a dream my chest was flat."
"It will be true some day. You just have to stay alive so you can get there."
"Is waiting and suffering that long really worth it?"
"I want you to stay alive." Luke said quietly. Ryan's angered, scrunched up face softened and he looked away guiltily.
"Well. That's pretty worth it." Ryan looked at Luke.
"I'm staying alive for you." He bit his lip and turned away again. Luke looked away to, his face blank if you don't count the burning red on his cheeks.
"I'll stay alive for you then." Everything was silent except for the ticking of the clock. Ryan shook his head and got up.
"We should um. We should get some sleep." He slipped into the blue sleeping bag.
"Yea your right. Um... goodnight." Luke pulled his covers over him and turned to the side so he was facing the wall. They were both silent but both their eyes stayed open, sleepless. It was like that, in the awkward silence, for minutes until Ryan pushed off the sleeping bag and stood up. Luke looked at him over his shoulder. Ryan hesitantly but wordlessly climbed onto the bed and Luke didn't protest. Luke turned over so he was facing Ryan.
"Hi." He said quietly. Ryan didn't answer and, after a moment, connected their lips. Under the warm blankets, Luke pulled Ryan closer so they were almost hugging. They both closed their eyes and continued to kiss lightly. Luke could feel Ryan smiling. He moved his hand to Ryan's head and ran his hand through his soft hair. When he first saw Ryan, Luke didn't ever think he would be cuddling with him, let alone did he think he would have a boyfriend. But here he was, gay for the cutest, sweetest boy he had ever met.

Luke's eyes fluttered open sleepily. The sheets were ruffled and right next to him, Ryan was laying, arms and legs sprawled out. His face was buried in his pillow, mouth wide open. Luke smiled. He was so adorable.
"Hey..." he whispered, poking Ryan on the shoulder.
"Mmn..." Ryan grumbled.
"Wake up." Luke breathed. Ryan's eyes opened slightly.
"Good morning." Luke brushed his nose on Ryan's, who smiled a tiny bit.
"Just a few more minutes." Luke opened his mouth about to protest, then gave in, laying back down.
"Ok." Ryan reached his arm out over Luke, who scooted closer. He put his forehead on Ryan's who kissed him, his eyes still closed.
"You know?" Luke whispered.
"We probably should've locked the door."

Mailboxes and Park Benches ~A Ftm story~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz