Chapter 22

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"Are you ready for your first day back as your true self?" Luke sat on his bed. Ryan was admiring himself with his binder on in the mirror. They had to leave to get to the bus stop in only a few minutes. The previous day, Luke had kept Ryan's new binder at his house just to be safe. Just to make sure Ryan's parents didn't find out right away. This morning Ryan woke up and walked to Luke's house. His backpack was lying downstairs, ready to return to school.
"I'm nervous."
"That's understandable.  I'm here to protect you against ignorant people."
"I know." Ryan brushed a hand over his flattened chest and couldn't help but smile.
"That's me." He whispered, looking at himself in the mirror. Luke smiled and got up. He walked over behind Ryan and wrapped his arms around him, kissing the back of his head softly.
"I'm glad your happy." Ryan leaned back in Luke's arms.
"I'm so glad I met you. You've helped me so much."
"That means a lot to me." Luke closed his eyes, smiling as their heads touched gently.
"Are you two ready?" The door burst open and Luke and Ryan split from each other in surprise.
"Oh... um..." Luke's Mom looked awkwardly away.
"Mom! Um... yea we're... almost ready." Luke bit his lip and Ryan hid awkwardly behind a dresser.
"Well. Um. Hurry. Don't want to be late." His mom left in a hurry, not wanting to be standing there any longer. They could hear her footsteps clicking swiftly down the stairs.
"Ouch." Ryan laughed as soon as she was out of earshot. He came out from behind the dresser, grabbing his Mcr shirt and slipping it on.
"Sorry about that." Luke made an awkward face. Ryan pulled on his Motionless In White hoodie and walked to the door.
"It's fine. Ready?" Ryan glanced to the side, noticing something out of the corner of his eye.
"Common." He said to Luke and turned around, snatching Luke's sunglasses as he walked out of the door.
"Hey!" Luke rushed after him, pushing the door closed as he chased him down the stairs. By the time he caught up with him, Ryan was picking up his backpack.
"Damn. You look hot in those." Luke smirked at Ryan.
"I know." Ryan smirked back and spun around,  walking backwards toward the door as he was facing Luke.
"I'm keeping em." He spun back around and opened the door as Luke slung his own backpack over his shoulder.
"Bye, mom." Luke called as he closed the door. The two walked down the sidewalk, joking and pushing each other back and forth. Eventually they reached Luke's bus stop.
"You sure your ready?" Luke asked, watching as the bus pulled up.
"To be completely honest, I don't know." He pulled up his hood as the bus came puffing to a stop. The doors swung open. Luke smiled at Ryan as he walked up to the bus and Ryan nervously pushed his sunglasses up his nose.
"New?" The bus driver greeted him.
"Yup." He mumbled self consciously.
"Welcome to hell." The bus driver leaned over to tell Ryan and chuckled. Ryan laughed back, appreciating his sense of humor, and followed Luke.
"Hey, Luke! Hey, Ryan!" Matt called.
"Scoot over, loser." Luke said and sat close to Matt. He looked back up at Ryan and patted the seat next to him. Ryan shrugged and sat.
"Ahh! Guys what... no this was not a good idea." Matt complained, his face squished against the window.
"You'll Have to deal for the rest of the year." Luke teased, throwing his arms around Ryan and Matt's shoulders.

Luke stopped walking when Ryan turned to his classroom.
"This is me. I'll see you at lunch."
"Ok. Should we meet somewhere?"
"Sure. Meet me outside my classroom." He gave Luke the room number and began to walk inside.
"Hey, good luck." Luke kissed Ryan on the forehead, not caring about anyone else walking by.
"See ya." He called and Ryan waved to him as he stepped inside the room. When he was gone, Luke turned back to Matt, who was smiling a huge stupid grin.
"What?" Luke asked in annoyance as they continued to walk to their class.
"I just find it funny how I make such a big deal about coming out to you and then it turns out you've got a boyfriend."
"I'm not gay."
"So your not dating?"
"Well- no we are. But... I mean I like girls to."
"So your bi?"
"Man I don't really care. I don't find the purpose in labels. I just- I guess I like whoever I like."
"Labels, dude."
"Right. Sorry. Fair enough." Suddenly Luke remembered something and was just about to ask Matt when they arrived at their class.
"Great. I'm totally excited to see all these losers." Matt joked, looking around at the people sitting and goofing off with each other.
"Can't wait for lunch." Matt couldn't help but smile at the familiar faces they hadn't seen in so long. Before Luke could say anything else to Matt, the teacher arrived and everyone fell silent as class began.

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