Chapter 14

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Luke stared at the blue suit he held.
"I don't know."
"Just make a decision already, Luke. I don't want to be here all day." Matt looked at another suit that was a light pink.
"Are you gonna get that one?" Luke teased.
"Shut up." Matt pushed the suit aside and the clothes hangers scrambled and clicked together . He walked up to Luke.
"Do you have any idea of what your going to get?" Luke thought for a second then replied with a simple
"No." Matt sighed.
"Well hurry." He turned around and walked toward another shelf, looking dazedly at the shirts.
"Ugh! I just don't know what to wear!"
"Look. Luke. Look at me." Matt turned around to face Luke, who did the same.
"Pick what suits you." Matt tried not to laugh at his own pun. Luke groaned and turned back around agitatedly.
"Matt, no. That was terrible." He said without turning around.
"Ok ok I know I know." Matt said in between giggles.
"In all seriousness though just be you! Wear something that reflects who YOU are. But I mean it still probably has to be fancy I mean it's like a school dance..."
"Yes, Matt I know." Luke picked up a white suit.
"This place is so boring." Matt mumbled but just then Luke thought of something.
"Oh. Oh!" He yipped.
"What?" Luke looked around.
"Yes, black. Just find black. A black suit. Black."
"Ok I get it." They looked around for the cheapest black suit they could find and in a matter of minutes they found one that was Luke's size.
"Perfect." He whispered.
"Now are we done?" Matt asked hopefully.
"No. Ties."
"Yes, Matt. Where are the ties?"
"Um... over here?" Matt led Luke toward the selection of ties. Blue, green, dots, stripes, many variations covered the rows of shelves.
"So what are you looking for? Also why?"
"Ok. Why?" But Luke had already found a red tie.
"Yes. This is a great idea."
"So... does this have something to do with..."
"Mcr." Luke finished for him and winked.
"Of course." It was Thursday and that week it had been especially hard to focus on school. The teachers were tired too and in the classes they already finished finals in they just watched movies. Today it was even harder to focus, considering it was only one day closer to the dance. Matt and Luke were always last minute so of course they were buying their clothes today. Usually the two didn't really care about what they wore to dances but now that Luke had a date, (at least one he actually cared about) he suddenly did care. And Matt did to do Luke presumed he had a date also, though he hadn't yet asked. They payed for the suits (Matt had gotten a simple dark blue suit with a dorky matching, blue bow tie.) Luke sort of felt like a proud parent seeing him try on the suit, he was adorably nerdy with his huge glasses and messy hair. They slung the suits over their shoulders as they walked out of the store and down the sidewalk towards Luke's house.
"So. Ryan." Matt prompted.
"What about her...?"
"Do you think she's gonna wear... you know. A dress?"
"She doesn't like dresses."
"But its a special occasion." Luke didn't know why but he was getting a bit irritated.
"She doesn't like dresses." He repeatedly sternly.
"Ok. Ok sure. But... what if she does wear a dress?"
"What about it?"
"I mean. Would you... prefer her to wear a d..."
"Matt I'd prefer her to wear what she wants to wear. What's up with you anyway your acting nosy as fuck. And who's YOUR date?"
Matt shut his mouth quickly.
"Sorry. I was just... I don't know. I'll be less nosy."
"Bro. You didn't answer my question."
"How do you even know I have a date?" Matt tried to drive the conversation else where.
"Because all of a sudden your interested in what your wearing there."
"So are you."
"Because I have a date."
"Yea whatever logic you were going for doesn't really work there..."
"Ok ok. Yes I have a date. Does it matter who?" Matt asked defensively.
"Kind of?"
"No! It DOESN'T." Matt snapped. Luke put his hands in the air.
"Ok Matt. Sorry. Chill." Luke stared at Matt, a bit confused. Why was he being so protective of whoever it was. He would see him there anyway. Right. He would see him. His question would be answered soon enough. He set those thoughts aside.
"So. You excited?"
"Yea." Matt sounded as if he was trying to shake his anger off.
"Me to. I mean I'm fucking nervous but. You know. These things are good. I think. Right? I mean their supposed to be right?"
"Yea. I mean I think so. I don't know either. I've never really done... dances? Or like... school... things."
"Same. I generally don't care about anything related to school. I guess until now? I don't know. I just think Ryan's really special you know? There's just something about her. You can't find it in anyone else. I mean I guess you can't find anyone that's the same but. She's just. I don't know. Every time I think about her. I just... my heart feels... happy? Oh. I'm rambling. Sorry."
"It's fine. I know what you mean." Matt mumbled the last part to himself. Luke still heard but he didn't say anything about it. He understood that Matt was uncomfortable about the topic. They walked up to Luke's house and Luke unlocked the door. They walked upstairs and laid the suits out on Luke's bed, then went downstairs. Luke got a bag of takis out from his pantry and tossed them to Matt. They sat down on the couch and leaned against each other back to back like they always used to do.
"I'm exhausted." Luke yawned. Some silence passed between them, the only sound being the crunching of takis and the crinkling of their bag.
"Matt?" Luke almost whispered.
"I'm glad it's back to the way it was."
"Me to."

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