Dumbledore's Office (Edited)

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I rubbed my tired eyes, still groggy from waking up abruptly by Hermione less than twenty minutes ago. She always insists on eating breakfast every morning as she said it's important to keep up going through lessons. I don't really see the point as I don't particularly get hungry this early even if first period did start in the next five minutes or so. 

"Toast?" Hermione offered, pushing a plate of toast in front of me. 

Didn't look like I was given any choice in the matter... "Thanks." I said bitterly.

My stomach growled just looking at the toast in front of me which made Hermione raise her eyebrows, triumphantly.

Suddenly two hands clamped over my eyes, blocking my vision.

"Guess who!" The voice said cheekily.

"Harry!" I groaned, prying his clammy hands off my face. "Where have you been?"      

"History homework." My ginger haired friend said. 

His hair is even brighter than mine which is saying something. 

"I thought we did that yesterday." Hermione said, crossing her arms at the two boys.

"Well yeah..." Ron defended "But you see there were these licorice wands and-"   

"Woah, woah." I said, holding my hands up as I got up from the table. "I think I've heard enough." 

Hermione sighed and picked up her bag with a large amount of text books almost pooling out. 

"We should get going." I said, shaking my head mockingly at Harry and Ron.

"But you all haven't had-"

"Hermione!" Harry, Ron and I said in unison.

She huffed but left it probably so we wouldn't be late for next lesson.

"What's first lesson today, Karen?" Harry looked towards me waiting for an answer.

What am I? A secretary? 

"Potions." I sighed heavily. Potions was possibly the worst lesson in Hogwarts with the exception of perhaps History but still... It wasn't a fun lesson to have no matter how talented you are at it.

"At least Snape's not teaching us any more." Ron said cheerfully.

"I guess..." I shrugged. "Harry your basically Slughorn's pet so this should be your favourite lesson." I grinned.

Harry rolled his eyes which were an exact copy of mine.

Yep, you guessed it. Me and the famous Harry Potter are twins. It may seem like an absolute honour and crazy dream for some people but this is reality guys so it's really not as great as it seems when every other person get excited when they see us.

We are quite different though as I have dark ginger hair and am obviously female (no comment). 

We have very different personalities and talents as I am what you could call resourceful while he, I have to say, is one of the dummies of the class.

"Karen!" Hermione snapped her fingers in my face, bringing me out of my little daydream. "We're here."

"Right..." I said, slightly confused to how we got to the dungeons so fast but oh well.

I took my usual place next to Hermione on the left second to front desk in the room.

Professor Slughorn looked around to the room and winked at Harry who was sitting behind me. What a creep I shuddered at the thought. That's my brother you're flirting with!

After Professor Slughorn had done the register he turned to the class.

"Now today students..." He began but was interrupted by Snape barging through the doors.

"Ah... Severus." Slughorn beamed at him. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

Snape glared around the room making some pathetic students whimper.

"Professor Dumbledore would like to see Miss Potter in his office in the next few minutes and she will not be coming back to this lesson, Horace." Snape droned in his usual voice.

Wait-What? I thought abut what the greasy-haired git had just said.

Professor Dumbledore wants to see me? What have I done this time? What haven't I done? Well I haven't managed to set off a Dungbomb during one of Snape's tedious lectures but I'm on the way to.

"Of course, Severus." The overblown slug said to Snape.

Hermione gave me a sad smile. "I'm see you back in Common Room, then."

I nodded. "Bye Hermione. Have 'fun' in Potions without me."

Harry and Ron shared a glance shrugged their shoulders at me. I shrugged mine back and stood up and took my stuff off the desk.

With that Professor Snape escorted me to Dumbledore's office and after a few minutes of awkward silence we reached it.

"Go in." Snape said coldly before leaving when we reached the door to the headmaster's office.

I bit my lip nervously as I entered the luxurious room.

I saw Dumbledore sitting at his desk. He glanced at me, peering over his spectacles.

He was about to speak when I rudely butted in.

"Professor... I know I've done a lot of things probably worth a lifetime of detention but It was completely necessary to set fire to Snape's office and steal his wand but-"

Dumbledore held up his shrivelled hand which I don't think currently would be the best time to ask about. "Yes I have heard of your 'occupations' Karen but that is not the reason why I have called you to my office."

I breathed a sigh of relief "Oh thank god...and sir can we just forget the last few minutes ever happened?" I pleaded.

"As you wish, Karen." He chuckled, smiling slightly 

I nodded smiling a little.

"Professor what is the reason you called me out of class?" I asked timidly.

"Karen, As you know fourteen years ago a certain wizard called Tom Riddle or better known now as Voldemort murdered your parents. As you are now fifteen and in your second to last year at Hogwarts I think now would be the best time to to do it."

"To do what Professor?" I queried. I guessed whatever it was it was not going to be overly enjoyable.

"I'm going to send you, Karen back to the time fifty years before Tom Riddle became the wizard he is today." Dumbledore held up an object which I recognised at once as a timeturner.

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