Chapter Three.

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"Holy shi-"

My air got knocked out of me before I could finish. I fell over the stool I was once sitting on astonished. I propped my elbows up on the hardware and laid on the ground.

"I slept with a fucking legend." Were the only words I can spit out at the moment.

My instant reaction was to call Yoongi.

'Don't look me up.'

His words swirled my brain before I could even get near the silver IPhone. I bit my lip as I revised all the possible outcomes that could happen if I call Yoongi at this minute.

Maybe he would be happy if I gave him a little call.

I thought. But my conciseness was etching me on to call Jennie instead. Jennie, a psycho brownie, is one of my best friend. Now I call her a 'psycho brownie' for a reason.

It basically means she's a natural crackhead. No need for alcohol or drugs, she's already weird.

I grabbed the cold iPhone and fiddled with it between my fingers.

A small call with her wouldn't hurt, right?

After a bit of hesitation, and a small fight with my brain, I finally called Jennie.


"Hey sistar!" She exclaimed loudly, and excited. With those words, I was now practically deaf.

"Hey, uh, do me a favor?" I asked nervously. I could feel her bright and happy personality being replaced with a more worried face and tone.

"Explain to me what's wrong first." And I was right. Her voice changed dramatically in seconds. I sighed loud enough for her to hear, while I rubbed the bridge if my nose.

"If you do the favor first it'll explain itself." She groaned loudly.

"Fine." She whined. "What do you want me to do?"

"Look up the name Min Yoongi." I answered almost immediately, leaving no time for her to second guess herself.

"Okay, Okay." With that I could already hear the clicks of a keyboard in the background.

"Holy shit! He's cute." She giggled over the phone. "Too bad he's an idol. Now I for sure don't have a chance." She whined cutely. I could feel her pout taking over her lips from the other line.

"What happens if I told you I slept with him?" I asked nervously. There was a pause of silence between us.

Until Jennie breaks down into a laughing fit.

"That's it! What kind of sucky prank is this!" She said laughing in between then gasping for air. As she laughed so hard. Her laugh annoyed me slightly, but I can stay annoyed at her for laughing.

It sounds crazy to think I slept with an idol. I dont blame her.

It still sounds unrealistic to me and I actually remember it. It actually happened. I got to experience all his tricks. The way his tou-

Nevermind. I was drunk. I rather not think about it at the moment. I also don't want my face to turn into a tomato as I remember the night before.

"Listen Jennie," I said with a little bit more of seriousness in my tone. Putting on a straight face as if she can see it. "It actually happened."

Jennies laughter soon died down after my words.

"Okay, okay whatever you say missy." She giggles.

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