Chapter Seventeen.

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I hummed happily to myself as I walked back into the dorm building. Today just might've been the best day of my left. I really felt something connect. I don't care if that sounds cheesy but it was fun.

I saw her soft smile throughout the whole day we were together. It really did something to my heart.

I inserted the key into my dorm door and twisted the knob. I was met with silence and a pitch black room. I assumed everyone was asleep. As I got closer I couldn't help but to see a small lamp illuminating a small corner.

Jin was sitting in the corner on a chair. His legs crossed. He smirked and stood up. He flipped the light switch on.

"What are you doing back here so late?" He asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I was out." I mumbled. I put down my jacket in the counter and walked towards the fridge. I opened up a bottle of beer and took a gulp from it.

"You do realize we're suppose to be in the dorms by midnight." He continued. I shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Where were you?" He asked again. I turned around and slammed my palms of my hands onto the kitchen counter.

"I told you already, didn't I?" I gritted my teeth. "I was out and it's none of your business to know the details." I sighed before marching towards my room.

"How was the date with Y/n?" He asked suddenly. I pursued my lips and my legs halted immediately. I slowly turned around to face Jin.

"How did you k-"

"Check the media you dumbass. Apparently they saw you and Y/n together in the streets having what looked like a 'very merry Christmas Eve'." Jin raised an eyebrow as he saw the guilt in my face. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and put it out towards me.

I took it from his hands.

It was a video. I hesitantly pressed play.

A news reporter came into the screen. She held a microphone in her hand. I couldn't help seeing the background in the broadcast.

"Today Min Yoongi, or Suga from BTS, has been spotted with a mysterious woman. They looked way too close in the shop behind me. In the pictures that were taken by bystanders and even fans, they looked as if they were on a date. I'm sure BTS' manager, Bang PD, won't be happy about this. Especially if this will effect their upcoming comeba-"

I pressed pause. I couldn't watch anymore. Every social media outlet can really ruin anyone's reputation within thirty seconds or less.

"You're lucky Pd-nim already talked with the reports. There covering up for you, but you do understand how risky this is?"

"Sure." I gritted out. "I'm going to bed."

"No you're not. You're going to stay up all night with that spinning head of yours. Might as well start composing something now. That's what you do best." Jin suggested. I quickly shut the idea down.

"I rather not. I haven't had much sleep in the last couple of days. I'll be in my room."

I walked off in guilt. I almost did ruin the band just because something got the best of me.

Just because someone got the best of me.

{ Y / N     P O V }

"He got the best of me." I sighed as I laid on the couch zoning out. I was currently in the best state of mind.

Today was just too good to be true.

I heard pounding steps suddenly and I soon saw a panting Jennie come running down the stairs.

"Y/n!" She squeaked as she jumped on the couch next to me. "You're- on the news." She said between smalls pants.

"Cool But are you okay? Should I get your inhaler-"

"I'm fine!" She shouted. "Just watch this." She said as she shoved her phone into my face.

I looked at the thumbnail of the video and I already felt a flood of emotions flood through.

I really am risking ruining Yoongi's career.

I gulped hard and pressed play.


"Isn't that great. We're dating idols! Imagine us being in the spotlight with our husbands, a.k.a Jungkook and I And Yoongi and you. It'll be great."

"Yeah sure." I sighed as I picked at the food on the plate. Jennie's eyes were sparkling with excitement. She was overly joyed that she found your Jungkook was an idol. Just like Yoongi.

However I didn't think any good of the situation.

"Im going upstairs." I mumbled lowly before grabbing my phone and excusing myself from the table. Jennie didn't say a thing as I left.

Im guessing she got the clue already.

I immediately laid in the bed curled up. I was comfortable being wrapped up in blankets. It let me find a little peace in the day.

My eyes grew heavier but the sound of a million alarm clocks going off made me stir back up in a hurry. I looked at the nightstand and saw my phone buzzing with notifications.

I groaned and grabbed the phone to find all my social media's buzzing about something. I couldn't get a word in before another dozens of notifications went off.

My eyes quickly searched through the device as I opened up my phone. Twitter.

Thats where all the tea is.

I click on the blue bird app and I search through my timeline trying to find the reason behind the hundreds of notifications. I couldn't find anything until I looked through my notifications.

Someone had liked my post.


I didn't see the big deal of why there were dozens of comments under my simple tweet saying; "I ran out of shampoo".. each comment said something like: "OMG".

I scrolled down until I finally found an explanation.

It was from BTS' account. I felt like my whole cover was going to be blown, but I was wrong. It was something way more bigger.

I had just figured out Taehyung was part of BTS'.

but what he tweeted didn't help any of the emotions I felt.

"Yeah. I did fuck that girl Yoongi was with."

I know I disappeared.
Have a nice day/night <3

 Have a nice day/night <3

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