Chapter Thirteen.

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I hanged up the call after an hour or two. I sighed and fell back on my bed. I laid there staring at the ceiling while smiling. I had to admit it...

A second date?

I patted myself on the back for making the first move.

Maybe I should be in charge of this relationship now.

I smirked to myself. My eye lids slowly caved in and closed fully. Leaving me in a black area.

With that, I fell asleep with a wide smirk spread across my face.


"Holy shit!" I jolted up from the bed. I quickly ran into the bathroom after hitting a couple walls. I splashed water on my face and applied whatever makeup was nearest.

"Looks good enough." I sighed to myself before running out of the bathroom. I slid inside the room with the help from my socks. I just picked out whatever I could find first.

I ended up being super casual for my job.

Like super casual.

Eh, it's fine.

I shrugged at myself in the mirror before slipping on shoes while jumping down stairs. I ended up doing pretty good keeping my balance while jumping on one leg. Up until I ended up tumbling down at the last set of stairs.

There was no time for breakfast or even dusting myself off.

"No breakfast?" Jennie yells from the kitchen. I grabbed a purse off the couch.

"No." I said breathlessly. "I'm late."

I ran out the door in a full out sprint. It must've been the first time in awhile since I've done exercise because by the time I reached my car I was panting for air.

"Jesus Christ." I groaned before jumping into the car.


I strolled through the mall quickly. I weaved in and out between the crowd of people. I had finally made it to my salon. I looked through the glass doors to make sure Jennie, the receptionist, wasn't there.

She gives me so much crap, I swear to Jesus.

I breathed out in relief when I saw the desk empty. I pulled open the heavy glass doors but something caught my eye. I looked to my side to see the lingerie store I once shopped at.

But my eyes glanced at the cashier.

It was the same one that gave me my lingerie for free. I smiled at myself for a while. I tried to convince my brain that it was okay to just go over there and talk to him for a while.

I mean, Jennie still isn't here.

I mustered up all my courage and walked into the store casually. I pretended to scroll through the racks of lace and thin material. I grabbed the nearest article of clothing not checking what it was or if it was even my size.

I got in line and waited patiently for the woman in front of me to get done already. Of course I got impatient and annoyed over the wait and started to tap my foot. Eventually the woman left after blowing a kiss to the man.

I scoffed and walked in front of the cashier. I smiled at him as I remembered and took in all of his facial features again. He smiled back which revealed a crooked tooth he had.

Never noticed that before. I mean it's still freaking cute.

He chuckled as he held up the underwear I grabbed. I didn't notice what I had even picked up until now. I ended up grabbing a pair of neon pink underwear that read 'Juicy' on the ass. I face palmed myself.

"Wow." He breathed out. "I've never seen anyone buy these yet." I shook my head embarrassed.

"Yeah I can see why." He laughed.

"Did you really want to buy theses?" He asked as he twirled the underwear on the tip of his finger. I shook my head.

"Of course not." I groaned. "To be totally honest I didn't come here to buy something." I admitted.

"I know. Everyone comes here for my looks." He quirked an eyebrow.

Okay, one, that's a lot of confidence. Two, that was freaking sexy.

"Okay whatever...." I trailed off as I squinted my eyes to try to read his name tag.

"Jimin." He finished my sentence. "And you're?" He asked in return.

"Y/n." I smiled. He nodded as he brought out his hand. I gripped it and shook firmly.

"Will you be coming in more often?" He asked.

I giggled. "Maybe. If you're here." He smiled politely but he shook his head.

"I won't. I'm going to quit pretty soon. I have bigger plans for the future."

"Oh." I nodded trying to hide the curiosity I had.

What are these big plans exactly?

"Good question. But I can't tell you sadly." I immediately covered my mouth with my hand after I realized I had talked. I nodded my head understandingly.

"Well I better be heading back to my job." I shrugged. He nodded.

"See you around." He cheered before I left. I sighed as I walked through the salon doors with my head lowered. Of course my head eventually shot up as I heard Lisa clear her throat.

"Late again aren't we, Miss Y/n." She said behind her desk with her arms crossed on her chest.

"Sure whatever. Tell my boss." I scoffed as I ignored her stare and walked towards my office.

"Oh I won't." She shrugged. "But if I see you flirting again with Jimin I'll make sure you're not getting paid." She threatened. That's when I turned around in my heels.

"Excuse me?" I scoffed dryly.

"You heard me." She sassed back.

"Whatever." I groaned.

"Don't forget I work for a big company. I work with idols. I better get respect you ungrateful swine." She said smugly. I laughed sarcastically.

"Good For You honey. I hope you know the reason that they hired you for that position is because the idols can't fall in love with you." I smirked before turning and walking out of the lobby of the salon. I heard Lisa scoff as I walked away.

I could also feel her millions of eye rolls from behind me. I kept on walking into my office. I walked inside and sat in my leather chair. I leaned back a bit and sighed.

I logged into my laptop and searched for recipes for my date with Yoongi next week.

Learning how to cook a nice meal for a date in just a week can't be that hard, can it?

I scrolled through dozens of sights until I came across a sight. It was about a guy named "Jin" who was a chef that did special catering. I smirked as a thought popped into my head.

Maybe I won't have to cook after all.

Hey y'all. This weekend is really busy for me.
So I got y'all an update.
Have a good day/night <3

 Have a good day/night <3

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