Chapter Twelve.

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I stopped in my tracks and adjusted the collar of my shirt.

"You know what these marks are?" I asked slightly nervous of what kind of answer Jungkook would give me.

"Yes I do. There the same things Jennie gave me. See?" He pulled down his shirt so that it exposed his bitten up collarbones.

"Wow." I exhaled. "You are a man now." I walked over and patted his back.

"You might want to hide those from Jin Hyung, though." I said before leaving my room. I walked down the hallway and into the main studio. I walked in on our stylists crew.

"Hi Yoongi." One of the makeup artists batted her eyes.

"What?" I asked dryly. She scrunched up her nose.

"It's that time again for your new hair color." She smiled. I rolled my eyes as she grabbed my arm and dragged me to leather chair. She put a black cap to cover and protect my clothes.

"What did Pd say to do to my hair this time?" I sighed.

"Oh nothing much. Just to dye it pink." She smirked. I bolted up from the chair.

"I'm not dying my hair pink, Lisa." I scoffed. Lisa push me back down in my chair forcefully.

"Every comeback you're suppose to have a whole new aura. This comeback needs something different so you can succeed. You got to risk it for the biscuit." She said with a smug look on her face. She combed through my hair with her hands several times.

"Just do it already." I mumbled.


"Holy shit." I said as I looked at my own reflection.

I have pink hair.

"So what do you think?" Lisa cooed out. I looked at her with a face scrunched up in distaste.

"It looks terrible." I grumbled. Lisa pouted and walked towards me.

"C'mon. I think you look handsome." She complimented.

"Really?" I said. A small plan was bubbling up in my head. Lisa was always in my back. I mean I found myself handsome but I didn't need to have Lisa remind me every single day of my life.

"Thanks Lisa. I think my girlfriend will like it." I smiled wickedly. I walked right past her leaving her in a trance. I pushed through the front doors of the building.

The breeze sweep up my hair.

This comeback better be worth it.

I thought as I made my way to the dorms. I walked inside and around a couple corners before I made it to our dorms doorway. I opened the door when I found the right key to the entrance.

I walked straight to my room. I plopped onto my bed. My eyelids felt heavy they were slowly closing and getting droopy as the minutes went by.


I groaned as I lazily reached one of my arms towards my phone in the nightstand. I sat up groggily.

My eyes shot open as I read who the text was from.

[Y/n 😉] : Hey! Wanna talk?

A burst of energy went through my body like an electrical current. My eyes became wider and my hunched figure sat up straight and tall.

[Yoongi 😏] : Yah. Lets call or smt. That's easier.

I sat up and ran over to my desk. I placed my phone down and ran across my room frantically organizing any last minute items so my room didn't appear like an absolute mess. Finally I closed the door that separated Jins room and mine before sitting down.

Hard, But Soft.  ➳ {MYG}  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora