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The Heavens were filled with a team of angels learning to fight. We are the guardians of the human race, and the enforcers of laws governing the hidden species on Earth that mere mortals don’t know exist. The other angels referred to us as the Guardian Sentinel, and we worked hard to learn the necessary skills to enforce our laws: fight hard, show no emotion, and destroy the enemy without hesitance. The hidden species were not to kill humans, to keep out of sight unless in human form, and if they do make themselves known, they are to take the necessary steps to erase that knowledge without killing the human. Vampires, werewolves, and fairies worked hand-in-hand to maintain the balance, but as with any species, there are those who go rogue.

            I know what you’re thinking. Those creatures are myths, and they sure as hell don’t exist. Oh, and angels aren’t warriors; they’re peace makers, invisible beings that guide lost souls. Well, you’re wrong, my misguided readers. Do you really think angels are only one or two things? Angels are many things: gardeners of mankind, bringers of peace, dream weavers, warriors, and healers. I digress though, for my goal is not to explain the intricacies of Heaven’s angels and the hidden species that walk the Earth; my goal is to tell my story because even angels make mistakes and even warriors show emotions in the most unexpected of circumstances.

            I had graduated top of my class, and you can bet that I worked my butt off to accomplish that feat. Most of the angels picked to be warriors are, well, they’re built like warriors: tall and muscular. They’re fast, strong, and durable. They can take a beating and keep on going until the job is finished. I’m not like that at all, and to be honest, most of the other angels laughed when I was chosen to be a warrior. I’m short and curvy, and while somewhat fast and durable, I’m not very strong. When I asked the council of the higher angels why I was picked, I was told it was because I had fire; my will and determination were strong, my need for justice stronger, and my love for peace unwavering. I took this to heart, and when training began, I applied myself harder than the others. I would stay long after classes were over to practice and improve the areas I lacked in; I knew I would never be as strong as the others, but I could learn to take a beating and build up my stamina and endurance. By the end of training, I was able to outlast the other warriors until they were exhausted enough for me to finish the task at hand. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, I was the one chosen to go on a special mission. We had a rogue werewolf killing people in a heavily forested area. His victims: young, petite, dark hair, and female. I was beginning to think I didn’t get the job because of my skills; I was getting it because I fit the victim profile. The media stated it was a serial killer who lured his victims to him and would take them out to the woods to kill them. If only they knew the truth….it didn’t matter how many precautions they were taking, none of them would work. I knew I had my work cut out for me, but I didn't how much this mission would change my life.

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