chapter 9-he

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After Shadow left the room, she got up as well, walked over to her bed, falling on her back, she pulled the covers clod to her as she thought about the boy again, who could he be? She thought about how they were very close friends but lost contacts when she went back to Philadelphia, she tried emailing, snapchatting, and dm-ming him, none of those worked, he never replied, he never even saw it.

Could it all have been an illusion? That her journey to Sydney didn't even exist and that he never did either? But there was also some traces of information that told her he did exist, he is still around somewhere, probably going to college by now because he was also a very smart student, he might have a girlfriend now since he was very handsome and a kind person.

Maybe he was just living his own life, not knowing some girl from 8th grade is still thinking about him.

Maybe he already forgot...

Her calmly closed eyes shot open at that thought that he already forgot about her, he couldn't have, she even thought he liked her back. His face was sharp, his brows were clean, he had pale skin with freckles around his cheekbones and under-eyes... the person she as thinking was so familiar, yet so unknown, she probably knows a handful of guys that fit the description, she tried hard to put the pieces together to form a picture of his face but nothing fitted. All the pieces she had did not form a complete puzzle.

He was still unknown.

Spencer for some reason couldn't get over this whole thing, she flipped onto her stomach and buried her face in the pillow, she didn't understand why she is still thinking about something happening more than 3 years ago. After all, she was living perfectly fine, why would she let a past memory disturb her normal life, she got off the bed and took some clothes and shoes with her bag of toiletries, set them on the little chair by her door.

She thought for a long time before she got up so she was guessing it's around 5 am now. She took the computer out of the box and set it up, after making sure it worked, she left it on the wooden table that she actually thought was cute by its modern look, her room looked simple but elegant. The walls were pure white, her bed's headboard was against the left-side wall placed in the middle, on the left side there was a white nightstand with a small lamp on it, there was a cushioned white couch with matching center table in the center of the room, she had put some magazines on the white glass surface of the table. She plopped down on the sofa and worked her MacBook. It was black, along with all her other devices.

Her room looked cozy somehow, the floor became carpeted after the middle line that separated the "workspace" from the bed's side. She lied down on the couch, pulling a white blanket from the nearest package box and covered herself, she fell into a deep sleep.

The girl was sleeping quietly when the alarm went off, it is now 7 am. She rolled off the couch to turn off the irritating buzzing. She tied up hair in a quick ponytail and grabbed her outfit with toiletries and went outside to go to their section's bathroom. How she wished there was a bathroom for every room.

She decided to be quick so she'd finish before everyone else start to come in. Spencer sat down her belongings on the little sink counter and started to wash her face, she loved the fresh smell of watermelon and mint in her facial cleanser, she heard the "section bathroom" door creak open as she was rubbing her face with the foam, she couldn't open her eyes as she didn't want soap to get in her eyes. The walking footstep stopped for a second when they saw her then they walked to the sink on the end of the row of sinks, about 4 or 5 away from her, she thought when the water started to run.

Not caring whatsoever she kept on rubbing until the tingling mint began to sting on her face, she rinsed it off with the water which smelt like minerals. As she patted her face dry and opened her eyes, she saw Venom standing on her left side. She tried hard to not look in his direction and continued doing her morning routine, she hustled to brush her hair, change in the stalls, and applied a little lip balm before going out but just as she was about to open the door she heard him.

unnamed // stray kids ff COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now