eight ,

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- frankie's pov -

The pounding taking over my head was the first thing I noticed when I woke. I winced at the pain and massaged my temples, trying to take the pressure off. 

That's when it hit me.

I sat up quickly, looking around the room. This isn't my room.

My feet hit a cold wooden floor, the newly placed t-shirt hitting mid thigh. I opened the door and was met with the smell of coffee. The house was large and expensive. 

Mat's house.

My heart began to race thinking of the event of last night. How did he find me? Did I do anything? Did he do anything?

"Good morning Frankie."

His voice was quiet but it echoed through the house. I continued making my way down the stairs, feeling slightly out of place.

"How'd you sleep?" He turned around and faced me, giving me half a smile. He looked casual, only in a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans. 


He turned back around, looking at his phone. There was an amount of silence between us, but it wasn't awakard.

"Did you um, did you put this on me?" I stuttered slightly, looking down at the over-sized t-shirt taking up my body. 

He spun back around and looked me up ad down, sighing. "Relax sweetheart, if I felt like fucking you I would do it whilst you were conscious."

I was taken back by his words. He was always so forward, and confident about it. "Why do you talk to me like that?"

I wasn't being rude, I genuinely wanted to know. Most people would've ran to the hills by now but my feet were glued in place. 

"Because I know you can take it. Why do you underestimate me?"

I opened my mouth as if I was going to say something but quickly closed it again, realizing I didn't have an answer for his question.

"You were drunk, I was merely saving you the struggle. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable." He flashed me a quick grin, making my chest feel warm.

I muttered a quiet thank you, running my fingers through my hair. 

"Can I get you anything? Coffee?" 

I think about it for a moment, not sure whether I should just go home or not. I give a small nod. I've already committed enough.

I sat down on one of his bar stools, the cold metal sending a shiver up my legs. He slid the drink along the bench, the warmth hitting my fingers tips as soon as I touched it. I thanked him quietly, bring it up to my lips. 

"Didn't pick you as the partying type." 

His words reminded me of last night, after saying the exact same thing. 

"I'm not." I half laughed. I hadn't been to a party in ages and of course he had to be around at he first one I've been to in a while. 

He looked over in my direction, raising his eyebrow. 

"My friends forced me to." I replied, assuming he wasn't understanding the situation. "You don't seem too easy to persuade." 

"I'm not." 

He laughed quietly, shaking his head. I knew I was making close to zero sense but I knew what I was trying to say. 

"Care to go out for lunch with me?" 

"I don't have any clothes." I said, taking another sip from my drink. I didn't know if I actually wanted to go to lunch with him or not. I was always indecisive with him.

He sighed and stood up, tipping the rest of his drink down the sink. His shoes hit against the tiled floor and echoed through out the house. 

He picked up his keys and sunglasses in a quick motion, keys rattling as he put his sunglasses on.

"That's why I have a driver love." 




Firstly, sorry for being a piece of shit human, I just fell off the face of the earth but it is the end of the school year in Australia so I guess I can use that as my excuse lol.

Anyways here's an update I'll try to be more efficient but we all know what I'm like so sorry if you don't hear from me for like another year, I'm always lurking. 

Also to all my AHS fans how was that knew season my balls are in my mouth I almost died through the whole thing. (And Michael like holy hell he's fuckin gorgeous)


enjoy the update u saddies

- ur negligent mother :)

pleasure. || m.m (blackbear)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt