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J - H - S
Alicante, Idris
May 2018

Jung Hoseok was stood before the Soul Sword. It was a beautiful piece of workmanship, a well crafted metal blade engraved with Shadowhunter runes, set with a golden handle.

"Please place both hands on the blade of the sword." A Shadowhunter instructed, translating anothers instruction. He knew he was a bother because he didn't speak english, but that was their problem, not his. Hoseok obliged, raising his hands a little and setting them down on the slick metal of the blade.

The feeling of touching the sword was something that Hoseok couldn't really describe. He felt like he was going the throw up, however his stomach was perfectly still. He felt like he was full of energy, yet half asleep. He felt like he was flying, yet like gravity had doubled in strength.

"State your name, age, place of birth, and any known aliases." The Shadowhunter translated for him again.

"Won Hoseok. Age 24. Gwangju, South Korea. Aliases; Myung Hoseok, Kim Hoseok, Ahn Hoseok, Sung Hoseok, Park Hoseok, Ban Hoseok, Kwang Hoseok, Lee Hoseok, Nam Hoseok, Jung Hoseok." He says. He couldn't stop himself. The information had been pulled from him by an invisible force and he couldn't stop speaking until he had run out of things to say. The Shadowhunter translated back to english, before speaking again.

"Do you know why you are here, yes or no?"


"Did you kill that mundane, yes or no?" There it was.


"Do you know who did kill him, yes or no?" Hoseok did everything he could, tried to swallow his words, tried not to say. His hands began to burn, the sensation crept up his arms and caused him to cry out, the pain... it was unbearable.

"Yes!" Hoseok basically yells, the pain subsiding he begins to pant, looking at the floor.

"What is the name of the downworlder that killed him?"

No, don't make me tell you, don't make me say his name.

"K-Kim." Hoseok tried to swallow again. The searing pain returned, worse than before, creeping up his arms it felt like his flesh was being burnt off his bones as he stood there. He didn't want to say, he knew Taehyung didn't mean to. Pictures of that moment played in his head, finding Taehyung, telling him to leave, being found. He gave in, screaming. "TAEHYUNG! K-Kim Taehyung, the vampire under Kim Seok... Seokjin." Hoseok falls to his knees as he finished speaking, saying more than he wanted to, his hands fall to his lap, still chained together. Two Shadowhunters lift him back up and place his hands back on the blade. Hoseok was panting heavily, out of breath from the pain of trying to withhold the truth, but now Taehyung would take the fall. "I'm sorry Taehyung. I'm sorry Taehyung." He muttered.

"Have you ever caused physical harm to a mundane, yes or no?" Hoseok wanted to cry. He wanted to break down and sob as pictured flooded into Hoseok mind, pictures of the boy he threw against the school building, pictures his little sister, hurt and crying, curled against the corner of her room while Hoseok threw things all over the room, after she'd been hit, trying to stop him, just before he almost killed her.

"Y-yes." He says, his voice small, shaking, fearful. That was it, he was going to be killed here. He had done enough.


"A... a boy at my middle school, and my half sister." He mutters, the first tear falling. He had been a boy, young, even less control over his powers than he had now, and that's saying something. He had never been taught control, he'd never figured it out, he'd never been allowed to use magic at home. There was silence, then english. Hoseok didn't even bother trying to guess what they were saying, he was tired, drained. He wanted to curl up back in his cell and cry his eyes out. He had been tortured here, that's what that was, and he had had to give up Taehyung's name...

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