Amani Blue Davis

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*Daijon's POV*

They took Kathleen into a different room and I followed them. They put me in a weird suit thing, I guess for germs. I stood on the side of the curtains that I couldn't see them cutting her stomach open. I was up by Kathleen's head. I was waiting to hear our baby cry. I waited... and waited. "We got her out," the doctor said.
"Why isn't she crying?!" I asked.
"No heartbeat," he sighed, "Get her on an AED and CPR right now."
"Is she going to be okay??" I looked at him, with a lot of worry in my eyes.
"Hopefully," he looked at me, nodding. They stitched Kathleen back up while the doctor was working on the baby. I just wanted to see my kid. They brought Kathleen back into the room and I followed. "Where is the baby??" my mom asked.
"The baby came out and her heart stopped," the nurse explained, "We have doctors working on her now."
"What?" Kathleens mom sighed, "Is she okay?"
"We hope so," the nurse nodded, "We are doing everything we can."
"Well do more!" my mom fought back.
"They are," I sighed, walking over, "Thank you." I told the nurse. She nodded and left the room. Kathleen was going to wake up in a half hour to an hour. If she wakes up and the baby isn't here yet I don't think she is going to take that well.

It was about 5 minutes later and I heard it... I heard screaming and crying coming down the hallway. I stood up fast and in came the doctor. He was holding the baby. "She made it," he told me. I took the baby right away and held her in my arms. I smiled down at her as she started to calm down. She was beautiful...

*Kathleen's POV*

I opened my eyes and bright lights hit my eyes. I squinted and looked around the room. I saw my mom on the couch, next to Daijon's mom. I looked to my left and saw Daijon, holding the baby. "I want her," I spoke.
"You're up," my mom stood up to walk over. I sat up carefully and looked at Daijon. "I want to hold her," I let tears fall. He nodded and handed her to me. I smiled big as tears streamed down my face. "When?" I asked, "What time? How big??"
"12:34AM, 7 pounds and 8 ounces," my mom told me. I smiled big and nodded. "You wanna try feeding her?" my mom asked, "It's just about time to feed her again." I nodded and my mom helped me get her latched on. Damn that hurts like a bitch. "Ow," I shook my head.
"It's gonna hurt the first couple times but you'll get used to it," Daijon's mom stepped in.
"I know," I nodded, "I need to do it for her." The doctor came in too and checked out my stitches and gave me a run down on what to expect after we leave the hospital. Things I can and cant do. I was pretty nervous to go home with the baby though. Like I'm gonna be taking a human home, to feed and take care of. It was weird to think about but Daijon's mom will b here for another four weeks and my mom said she can take off time to stay with me as well.

"Do we have a name yet?" the nurse asked, bringing in the birth certificate.
"What do you think?" I looked at Daijon.
"Amani," he told me.
"I agree," I laughed a bit, "I was really hoping you'd say that."
"Amani what?" his mom asked.
"Amani Blue Davis," Daijon nodded. I nodded my head as well. Daijon filled out the birth certificate and signed it. I signed as well. "You can leave in two days," the nurse told me, "Sound good?"
"Perfect," I smiled.

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