Chapter 1: blood rose

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- Rose POV-

uh its the day i find out who i will be guarding!


"SHUT UP!" i practically yell at the alarm and as usual get no answer! urrh! i pick up the alarm and it meats my friend the wall! Dimitri left with Tasha but with recent events she has some how became the Ozera princess NOOOO! she is nice and all but really i hate her for taking Dimitri away from me!


"WOULD YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?!" i yell at the phone but it won't shut up so i answer it. before i could see who it was i here squeeling!

"rose, rose, rose you wont believe it Tasha is back early!" Lissa screams through the phone.

as soon as i move the phone away from my ear and let the ringing sound, that was the result of the screeching, die down i say "what! why couldn't you just tell me through the bond?!" i said sounding like an old lady from having to be up this early! yes you did hear right i still have the bond with lissa our attempt to destroy it worked for about three months then all of a sudden it got stronger we have been trying to destroy it but it just gets stronger so we stopped trying. at the moment its a two way bond so strong we can easily control each other(!!!!!!) so if Lissa has to execute anyone I'm the woman for the job!

"i dunno!" she said pulling me out of my thoughts "i just wanted to voice it!" she said with way to much enthusiasm in her voice for it just to be Tasha coming. i searched through her head and found out that Christian had proposed this morning!

"oh by the way congrats!" i said now awake and ready to annoy!

"uh for what?" she asked clearly confused, i should have explained it first!

"the engagement!" i laughed to cover up the fact that i had been scolding myself for the mistake! "duh."

"oh yea its so exiting!" she said starting to squeal again. if Christen Ozera had asked me i would of ran for the hills but it was Lissa and she loved him.

"you two will be great together but i gotta go find out who i will be guarding!" i said and felt Lissa get really upset.

"i have been trying to pull a few strings to make you my guardian but at the moment its just not happening!" she sighed "they are still sticking to the list Tatiana made! i am changing it around and waiting for it to go through but it will still be around three to four months before it can be made offishal! is that ok with you?" she asked full of concern.

"yeah and don't tell me who I'm guarding until i get told, deal?" i asked her

"deal." she said then hung up.

i better get in uniform. urrh!

i got my ipod and plugged it into my speakers and put on this little girl while i changed. i was finished changing when the song started again since i had it on repeat so i sang along and danced round the sweat Lissa had got me for my stay here since she is now queen and Jill is now the dragomear princess!

You got your keys, but where ya goin'?
The third degree just isn't workin'
Cause you walked out without asking me to go
And if I followed you home, would you be alone?

I checked your phone, cause it was beepin'
Are you alone?
I know you're creepin'
Cause you walked out without asking me to go
But if I followed you home, I hope you're alone

I'm three steps from the edge, woah
Don't push me over it
Don't you know, don't you know

Every girl is capable of murder, if you hurt her
Watch out you don't push me any further, any further
You're not the only one walking 'round with a loaded gun
This little girl is capable of murder, cause you hurt her

My hands are clean, not yet a killer
Ain't I your queen?
And did you tell her?
Cause you broke down all my shoulda known betters
And then I followed you home, throwin' sticks and stones

whilst i was around half way through someone knocked on my door. i turned down the music and ran to grab my keys "just a minuet!" i yelled in the direction of the door as i grabbed my keys and sprinted to the door. i unlocked it and looked outside. MIA!

"how you doing?" i asked as i let her in

"i was just looking at the people who requested you and its quite a list!" she said sitting on my bed.

"ok tell. who are they?" i said hopping for good people

"first and most obviously a no is Lissa." i nodded "then there's Jessie,..." no surprise "Christian, ..." thank god a nice person! "me, ..." she got a vote? well I'm not complaining. "Jill, ..." YES! "Adrian, .." ok not that bad "all the szelskys, ..." im so proud! " Lia Ozera and finally Tasha Ozera!" WHAT?! she is nice but she took Dimitri! never mind not likely gonna happen with all the names.

"I'm hoping for you, Adrian or christian. maybe even Jill!" i said grinning!

"i know your wondering why i get a guardian." she said and i nodded slowly "well my dad was pestering Lissa and Tatiana and i got lucky!" she said grinning "i hope you become my guardian it would be great!"

"yeah i hope so as well! you wanna come with me to find out who im getting?" i ask her standing up

"yes i hope its me then you would be able to loosen up before you become Lissas guardian!" she said as we left my suit. i stopped and locked the door before going to the hall with Mia.

once we had got there i saw Tasha and dimitri standing side by side on the stage where all the royals and important people were waiting to get their guardians.

"well looks like i gotta go up front oh and if you don't get me i hope you get someone nice!" she smiled and left.

i was about to talk to Eddie about who we think were gonna get when lissa came in, everyone made a path way and bowed as she walked to the stage once she got there she took the throne that i hadn't noticed until now and said " you may rise" to everyone in the room. 4 guardians had entered the room with her and were now at the four corners of her throne.

after everything settled down and everyone was seated she began her speech "thank you all for coming i know some of you have decided you want some one else to protect you or for the guardians you have someone specific you want to guard..." she was looking at me while saying the last part "i have made a new list and you all will return in six weeks to have your new charge but for the next six weeks these are the people you guardians will be guarding!" lissa said and i was on the edge of my seat waiting for the person i was going to guard. i hope its Mia!


authers note:

i have added the song she was listening to, to the media section for you to listen to i hope you enjoy.

pleas vote and comment on who you think rose will be guarding.

best wishes

yo coco

xoxoxo ;)

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