Chapter 18: Atempted murder.

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-Dimitri POV-

i've been getting to know Clarity since she was placed in the advanced class of guardians which i train.

i think she had some sort of training before she came here but i can't tell because she won't share. it's so anoying and so much hard work to figer it out.

"So you and Tasha Ozera?" she laughed as we exited the gym. me and Clarity had been hanging out alot because, well, she knew no one.

"aactuly no." he laughed. "she sees yes but in reality no." i explained to her. "Rose was the only girl i was ever with after i met her.

"Ohh so other girlfriends?" she asked. she was a police dog searching for drugs. they wont stop till they've found it.

"I'll tell you about it another time." i sighed / groaned.

"I got time." She grinned making me groan in annoyance.

"I don't want to talk about it at the moment." I growled and she sighed admiting defeate.

"Sooo..." She said causing me to groan as I assumed she was going to keep persisting. Lahr just laughed at my reaction then stop dead.

"whats wrong?" i asked her but she stood there in shock. "Clarity?" he asked snapping his fingers infront of her eyes to draw her atention.

once she was back in the real world she apoligised then wondered off.

i followed her outside to find her atanding next to a strigoi, red eyes, pale skin. definatly a strigoi but there was somthing off about him. his eyes were kind! what the heck.

they only had a small conversation but by the end clarity had maneged to take her hand off her stake.

the only thing was she didn't own a stake! no one had given her one. as i looked closer i saw that it was one of the lead guardians stakes, like Roses and Edies!

how did she get that?

when he focased on her again she pulled down the strigois neck and bit into it! she just pulled him down and bit him?! what's going on? kept running through my mind but when the strigoi opened his eyes they wern't red! they were hazel!

i thought only spirt users could change strigoi! Clarity had not only changed but he was calm the whole time!

claritys eyes snapped round as i tryed to step back but his a pile of dried up leaves.

as i was abut to step forwards a hand grabed me from behind and pulled me into the shadows.

clarity was imidiatly there. she was so fast that before i even blinked she was infront of me!

she pulled out her stake at the retreating back of the strigoi. as it flew though the air it caught fire and plunged into his back! it was to slow to catch fire.

i looked around for a moroi but there was only clarity and me.

for a second, just a split second i thought clarity looked like rose! but then i blinked and she was plain old clarity!

it must be the efect finaly hitting home. i thought to myself.

when i snapped out of my thoughts i was alone! no clarity, no rose, no ex - strigoi and no dead strigoi! i quickly shook my head to snap myself out of my delutional thoughts and walked down the path way to my appartment.

i kept thinking about the Rose, Clarity delusion. Clarity was similar to Rose but had higher cheak bones, different eye and skin tones, different pitch in voice and Clarity admitted what she did wrong.

definatly not Rose!

-Rose POV-

i was just talking to Dimitri when i felt a strigoi presance and quickly rushed off not cheacking to see if he followed or not.

when i got outside i saw a strigoi and aproached him with caution.

"Please can you help me." he begged as i aproached him.

"Whats wrong?" i asked gripping the top of my head guardian fire stake.

"This is the first time i've had controle of the strigoi inside of me!" he exclaimed "i need to get rid of it, get a spirit user to stake me or somthing." he sugested and i let out a small laugh.

"I can do it quicker but you have to sware on your life you will keep my secrat and help me." i asked and he nodded.

"I would do anything." he admitted truthfuly. "I will do that."

"Fine." i murmured then pulled him down so that my mouth was able to reach to his neck. i bit down hard and when i tasted the matalic twang of blood i stopped and pulled back.

i was going to continue on the conversation when i heard the crunch of leaves behind me!

i snapped my head around just in time to see Dimitri being taken by a strigoi.

i quickly ran using my Khemsiri powers to get there and rip dimitri from his grasp.i flung the strigoi as far as i could and he slammed into the wall causing the bricks to slightly shift inwards.

i grabbed my stake and through it at the rogue setting it on fire as it flew through the air.

i had lost alot of power killing him. i wasn't as strong as before. when you first change you are the strongest then you weeken then you get as strong as possible. i'm inbetween weekned and as strong as possible.

i acsidently let my face show dropping the minor edits i had made to my face. when i noticed what i had done i changed back then took off with the dead strigois body.

i ran to the woods away from the royal court and placed him in a clearing for his body to burn.

i pulled out my stake then made my way back to the royal court.

i re-made the wards and headed back to main court where i would find dimitri so i could explain what was going on if he knew and if not train.

-Tasha POV-

i had burned a little brunet that i was sure was rose. i stuffed her inside the platinum room, beat her to the brink of death, killed her, mashed up her body then left it for the guards to find.

at the time my head was spinning but i was sure almost positive that rose had burned and i'd fufilled my reason to become a strigoi, to kill rose.

i grinned as i dropped another freshly turned strigoi body to the floor. i was making an army, an army to take over the vimpire world and rule. i knew it was all very comman but this time the bad guy will win.


Authers note:

so guys you now know the body wasn't tasha or rose so who is it?

i know the chapters short but i wanted to update.

its now half turm so i have time to write more often! YAY! i'll try to update everyday but no garantee.

please vote and comment.

Best Wishes

Yo Coco


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