Chapter 17: Clarity

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  • Dedicated to all my readers!!!

-Rose POV-

just as soon as we got to the guest house we were staying in Tony kept on nagging me about how we had to 'form a plan.'

"I'm tired." i said as i lead down on the bed whilst draping one of my arms over my eyes to block out the sunlight.

"No we need to make a plan of what to do all you seem to do these days is sleep all of the time." he complained and i just smiled.

"luxury." i grinned in a dreamy state. i could just amagion waking up to a hot coffee to start off the day fith a full cooked breakfast. then once ive finished being told that i had no work to do for the next week..

i sighed i contemp as i imagion the feeling of relaxation.

what? i've made myself fit and ive worked out now its time to be a slob and relax!

"why are we even pretending you're dead still?" he asked me and i groned. it was the question i least wanted to be brought up.

"cause they only want me because i'm differant. they only want me because i can make life easyer for them. they only want me to play poster child and pose for the camra as inosent people get slaughtered just so that the croud thats watching doesn't know about the horrers going on." i told him. "Do you know what the conection is between them?" i asked Tony.

he just shrugged and shook his head. "Sorry but no." he shruggs.

"It's all based around what they want." i sighed. "I wont reveal who i am till they need me but not before. no matter how much heart break it is my decition and i will stick to it." i said proudly and boldly.

"You know you sound like one of those public speekers that are trying to motivate a town of people ad sucseeding." he said as though he was proud of me but i just laughed.

"Nope its just me making up some random bullshit so i can GO TO SLEEP!" i groaned and he just laughed at my reaction.

"Okay before you go to sleep tell me your plan" he sighed and i gave in.

"train as often as possible, exsersize my powers as often as possible, (which means everyday) protect Lissa, then finaly, stop Victor Dashcove and Tasha Ozera." i sighed then let sleep take over me.

-Dimitri POV-

It was the first time leaving my room since the failed atempt at a funaral.

i was going to train for a while then meet Tony and Clarity. Tony's Rose's uncle. Clarity is Tony and Abe's second cousen, so what would that make her to rose? a great second cousen? probably somthing like that.

i came into the gym to find a firey red headed girl who had her hair cut in a bob just covering her sholders, grey eyes, and was a few skin tones darker than my roza used to be.

"Hey." she smiled at me. she seemed to be running laps.

"i havent seen you around here before." i said scrunching my eyes at her.

"That's cause i came over here with Tony." she shrugged. "for the funaral of my... i don't know." she laughed which made me smile. that laugh was so much like rose's laugh that it made my heart clentch.

i pulled out a mat and began doing stretches as she just ran.

after a full 2 hour work out on my half she was still running! i couldn't even see a drop of swet anywhere and she was keeping her pace just above a sprint.

"How do you do that?" i pannted exsausted after my two hours of stretches, waights and hitting stuf.

"some people say i was born running." she said in an overly dramatic tone that almost made me laugh as she put her fist over her heart. "I just say..." she started closing her eyes tight as though she was trying really hard to remember somthing. there was a long pause then. "i like to run." she said in a flat tone, dropping her arm. opening her eyes and going back to running. i let out a snigger because thats somthing rose would do. make it way to dramatic then deadpan.

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