Chapter 14: My Uncle

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-Rose POV-

i was just steppeing out of the back door to the building that i had been trapped in when i remembered i didn't even knoe his name and he was my farthers brother?

"What's your name?" i asked as he slowly set the door back in place and sighed pointing his face up towards the sky to soak in the heat.

"I've missed the heat." he mumbled to himself then turned to me. "oh i'm called Tony." he shrugged.

"So your a Mazure?" i asked as i began to walk in a direction away from the falling building, hopeing that i can get away before the strigoi have a chance to chace us.

"Yup." he chirped then his face fell. "Oh shit you've met my brother." he cursed making me laugh. "i swear i have nothing to do with his scams." he said as his eyes pleaded for me to believe him. "Well not since i became a strigoi anyway." he murmered and i chuckled

"I think he needs a partner in crime to pull off world donimation but he is always a big softy towards his daughter." i smiled remembering how he had been trying to help me when i realised i was not a dhampere.

"Oh he has a daughter now?" he asked. "Last i heard he wasnt aloud to see her." he shrugged.

"What?" i asked as i stoped to let him 'catch up'.

"Oh yeah the dhampere he hooked up with wouldn't let his see her all because of her own mistakes." he sighed. "jane, i think it was, yeah jane. jane hathaway." he smiled.

"Oh how rude i'm Rose soon-to-be Belicove." i smiled remembering the silver ring dimitri had brought me.

"oh i know the belicoves." he said as we began to walk again. "nice people, the son, dimitri, has a good reputation exsept for the slut tasha." he said then shivered. "skank."

"Yep thats him." i sighed. i still really hated the idea of him leaving me for tasha.

"Oh so your engaged to mr russion warrior?" he asked.

"Yup, and Abe gave me permision," i sighed.

"Why would Abes consent be needed unless you dont want to get into his bad books?" he asked me.

"No i don't want dimitri in his bad books." i shrugged.

"Oh." he sighed and we stopped as we had gotten to a river. he turned to face me with a sirios yet sad face on. "Do you think he'll ever exept me?" he asked

"if i do i can garente that he will." i smiled as i looked for a shallow rise in the river.

"How do you know that?" he asked as i began walking over to the rise i had found.

i stopped and turned around to face him. "Cause if not I'll make him." i shrugged.

"he would use guards." he told me and this time i shrugged.

"Well i highly doubt he would kill his own daughter." i said then turned around to continue over to the rise.

"Your his daughter?" he asked catching up with me.

"Yeah so?" i asked as we finally got to the rise.

he took me in a hug and i smiled then hugged him back. "i'm glad i finaly got to meat my neice, even in these sercamstanses." he said and i really wanted to get off the subject so i pulled back.

"Okay i dont really know if you get any powers but what was your origanal one?" i asked and he laughed.

"spirit." he smirked.

"Like lissa." i said.

"Who?" he asked.

"Oh didn't you know oother spirit users existed?" i asked as i got across the river and turned round to see his shaking head.

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