Chapter 3: can he still fight????

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-Rose POV-

i have been staying here a month and barley anything has happened! no strigoi no battles no Dimitri. though I'm not surprised that i don't see him he is probably in Tasha's bed all the time! yes i have decided that i hate her! but its only 2 more weeks until i get re assigned to lissa and nothing can stop that!

I'm just going into the gym when i notice that Dimitri is already in there! he hasn't been to a gym for about 2 years so this should be interesting!

i silently close the door behind me and watch as he is attempting moves that he knew well enough to teach before! "LOWER YOUR LEG!" i yell at him and place it in the right position from behind his back, "your arms should be more spread out like this," i demonstrate moving in front of him then doing a round house kick into the air before signaling for dimitri to do it.

"sorry i haven't been training lately." he muttered and lowered his head

"don't worry ill give you a hand!" i say and i see a bright smile appear through the hair that is now veiling his face. "the student has now become the master!" i say imitating yoda! and it gets a Small laugh and he raises his head

"what first then?" he asked me

"lets start with the basics, run a marathon twice then i will start to train you!" i laugh and he joins in.

just as we calm down he said "my roza always has a way to get back at me." and runs. a smile meets my lips at the mention of the Russian nickname. after about 50 laps we start some basic training then get through it all. it is allot easier since he already knew it all but just needed correcting.

at the end i get on with my own training and he sits on a bench and watches. "you see anything you like?" i say repeating what i had said one day in training.

"i see allot of things i like but nothing i can have" he sighed and i slightly blush at that but turn away so he cant tell.

"so why did you go with Tasha in the end?" i asked hopping for a serious answer. i got up and started wrapping my hands.

"because of you!" he sees looking down at his hands.

"if you hated training me so much you could of just sa-" i said but he interrupted.

"no roza not the training" he said looking me in the eye "because i love you!" he looked away quickly after that afraid of what i would say.

"i love you too comrade!" i sigh and start hitting the punching bags.

he came up behind me turned me around and all of a sudden his lips were on mine at first it was just an instant kiss but then it got hungry, Passion and lust took controls as my hand found his hair and started forcing his lips to stay with mine. soon his hands were holding me up by the waist because i felt like i was about to fall and was in my hair making sure i didnt let go. then i pulled away! i thought he was meant to be the one with self control, right?

"no i cant" i said breathlessly even though i really wanted to.

"why, why not?" he asked as breathless as me. he started ti kiss me again but i pulled back!

"you left. why?" i asked him looking up into his deep brown eyes.

"because i knew it would never work and i would just hurt you!" he sighed.

"no you wouldn't!" i was now out of his grasp and was punching the bag wishing it was tasha. then i felt a strange pulling and realized lissa was in my head. "it could have worked!" i was still punching the bag but my wraps had come of and i was starting to bleed.

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